Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What I Learned About Bronchitis

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor!  This is just my experience!

1. Bronchitis is the mean girl on the playground.  She teams up with your body and they get all bitchy and decide to make your life hell.  You'll think you feel a bit better so you can go to work today.  Um, nope.  The mean girl has your body in on a cruel game of yo-yo feeling better/feeling crappy and before you know it you're back in bed.

2. It makes you stink.  I didn't know it was possible for me to sweat that much.  My bed was so wet that it still hasn't dried out from my sweats last night.  And showering is difficult as it's hard to stand for that long.  Hence, stank.

3. It turns you into a Sasquatch.  You know that whole hard to shower thing?  Yeah you aren't even going to THINK about taking the time to shave.   If you do, it will be quickly thrust out of your mind by exhaustion.

4. It makes your lungs hate you.  First they hurt from coughing so much, then they release the mucus.  Oh god the mucus.  I'll say no more on that.

5. Fever.  You know the deal.  Bone shaking chills, then sweats, then chills, then sweats.  Tylenol, ibuprofen, Tylenol, ibuprofen, and liquids, liquids, liquids.  If I never see tylenol, ibuprofen, chicken soup, or water again, that will be fine with me.

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