Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011

2011 was a good year.   Looking back, we basically just lived life.  We didn't have any wild adventures or huge happenings.  I do remember having a severe chest cold, the stomach flu twice, and bronchitis.  Lucky me huh?  But let's not dwell on the negative.

  • Jon had all his teeth pulled and got his dentures!
  • We lost a beloved pet
  • We welcomed a new nephew into the mix
  • We watched our best friends become parents for the 2nd time
  • We bought our new Kia!
  • We had our first family vacation!  
  • We had an awesome Labor Day family vacation too!
  • I started getting more into photography.
  • We settled into married life and celebrated our first anniversary
  • We bought our first "grown up" Christmas tree
  •  Jon cared for me during my first major illness with him.  He's such a good hubby!  
So thank you 2011.  You may have been fairly uneventful, but I suppose most years will be, and I loved you all the same!  

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