Friday, December 30, 2011

Goals for 2012

I've decided to document some goals I have for 2012.  Some are not too hard to achieve, others are super hard.  But I will try all of them!

1. lose 2 dress sizes
2. be in David and Kate's wedding (ok so this isn't a goal per se, but I'm just so darn excited!)
3. paint the kitchen
4. go camping (yes sadly this is still a not done.  I think it's been on every list for a couple years now.)
5. complete cradle list with Jon
6. organize kitchen cabinets
7. clean out garage
8. build a snowman with jon and josh
9. plan and execute awesome 30th b-day bash (is it bad manners to plan my own part? hm....)
10. hone photography skills more

So that's it.  For now....

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