Sunday, December 18, 2011

Here it is

Ok, I'm going to try and get this post out before I fall asleep on my computer.  I am exhausted, so bear with me.  Here is a bullet point list of my week.

  • work
  • overtime
  • converting slides
  • work 
  • overtime
  • gam gam dinner night (thank god i don't have to cook)
  • cuddle cat
  • kiss husband
  • see lil' bro
  • work
  • overtime
  • start planning New Years Eve party
  • work 
  • overtime
  • Friday arrives yes!
  • work 
  • overtime
  • pick up josh
  • pack
  • make oreo truffles
  • drive to lafayette
  • josh's first trip to toys r us
  • chuck e cheese
  • drive to mom and dad's
  • george family christmas
  • sleepless night
  • wake up feeling awful with hugley swollen glands
  • drive home to seymour
  • get lunch
  • take a nap
  • wake up
  • blog
  • And here we are.  I'm holding on by a thread people.  I need sleep.  Even after a nap I am so tired I could lay down and wake up 48 hours later.  *yawn*  I think I am done with overtime until January.  I think.  So hopefully I can get a better blog or two out!  Sorry I've been so absent lately!  Life just happens!

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