Friday, December 9, 2011

Just so you know...

....I am unpleasantly busy at work with equals lots of unwanted overtime.  Like the extra cash, hate the extra hours.  This is going to be ongoing for quite some time.  Like March.  So if I'm not around here too much, don't worry!  I'll try to post things as I get time.
The only non work stuff we did this was go out to dinner with Sonnie and Phil Wednesday night.  It was so much fun!  We ate at BW3's and got in some quality chat time.  Love you guys!  Last night Jon wasn't feeling good so we played it extra lazy and watched The Faculty in bed.  do you remember that movie?!  I loved it when I was younger.  Still a great movie, but the cheese stands out more to me.  Man I loved the 90s!  We are off to a chili dinner at David and Kate's!  Later Tator Tots!  Oh, and here is a picture of my hubby for your viewing pleasure!

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