Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011

2011 was a good year.   Looking back, we basically just lived life.  We didn't have any wild adventures or huge happenings.  I do remember having a severe chest cold, the stomach flu twice, and bronchitis.  Lucky me huh?  But let's not dwell on the negative.

  • Jon had all his teeth pulled and got his dentures!
  • We lost a beloved pet
  • We welcomed a new nephew into the mix
  • We watched our best friends become parents for the 2nd time
  • We bought our new Kia!
  • We had our first family vacation!  
  • We had an awesome Labor Day family vacation too!
  • I started getting more into photography.
  • We settled into married life and celebrated our first anniversary
  • We bought our first "grown up" Christmas tree
  •  Jon cared for me during my first major illness with him.  He's such a good hubby!  
So thank you 2011.  You may have been fairly uneventful, but I suppose most years will be, and I loved you all the same!  

Goals for 2012

I've decided to document some goals I have for 2012.  Some are not too hard to achieve, others are super hard.  But I will try all of them!

1. lose 2 dress sizes
2. be in David and Kate's wedding (ok so this isn't a goal per se, but I'm just so darn excited!)
3. paint the kitchen
4. go camping (yes sadly this is still a not done.  I think it's been on every list for a couple years now.)
5. complete cradle list with Jon
6. organize kitchen cabinets
7. clean out garage
8. build a snowman with jon and josh
9. plan and execute awesome 30th b-day bash (is it bad manners to plan my own part? hm....)
10. hone photography skills more

So that's it.  For now....



Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What I Learned About Bronchitis

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor!  This is just my experience!

1. Bronchitis is the mean girl on the playground.  She teams up with your body and they get all bitchy and decide to make your life hell.  You'll think you feel a bit better so you can go to work today.  Um, nope.  The mean girl has your body in on a cruel game of yo-yo feeling better/feeling crappy and before you know it you're back in bed.

2. It makes you stink.  I didn't know it was possible for me to sweat that much.  My bed was so wet that it still hasn't dried out from my sweats last night.  And showering is difficult as it's hard to stand for that long.  Hence, stank.

3. It turns you into a Sasquatch.  You know that whole hard to shower thing?  Yeah you aren't even going to THINK about taking the time to shave.   If you do, it will be quickly thrust out of your mind by exhaustion.

4. It makes your lungs hate you.  First they hurt from coughing so much, then they release the mucus.  Oh god the mucus.  I'll say no more on that.

5. Fever.  You know the deal.  Bone shaking chills, then sweats, then chills, then sweats.  Tylenol, ibuprofen, Tylenol, ibuprofen, and liquids, liquids, liquids.  If I never see tylenol, ibuprofen, chicken soup, or water again, that will be fine with me.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Stupid Christmas

So I haven't been around.  Why?  Oh I'm just suffering from acute bronchitis.  Suck!  I didn't get to enjoy Chirstmas at all b/c I was in the ER!  I've basically been in bed all week and just finally got to the point where I don't feel like I'm dying.  I'm still freaking exhausted though.  My house is a wreck, I've got no pictures from the holidays, and I'm going to have a massive bill coming my way.  On the bright side however, David finally proposed to Kate!   I'm so excited for them!  I'm getting another sister!  YEA!  Now I'm off to pop some more meds to keep my fever down.  I'll be back when I feel better.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Here it is

Ok, I'm going to try and get this post out before I fall asleep on my computer.  I am exhausted, so bear with me.  Here is a bullet point list of my week.

  • work
  • overtime
  • converting slides
  • work 
  • overtime
  • gam gam dinner night (thank god i don't have to cook)
  • cuddle cat
  • kiss husband
  • see lil' bro
  • work
  • overtime
  • start planning New Years Eve party
  • work 
  • overtime
  • Friday arrives yes!
  • work 
  • overtime
  • pick up josh
  • pack
  • make oreo truffles
  • drive to lafayette
  • josh's first trip to toys r us
  • chuck e cheese
  • drive to mom and dad's
  • george family christmas
  • sleepless night
  • wake up feeling awful with hugley swollen glands
  • drive home to seymour
  • get lunch
  • take a nap
  • wake up
  • blog
  • And here we are.  I'm holding on by a thread people.  I need sleep.  Even after a nap I am so tired I could lay down and wake up 48 hours later.  *yawn*  I think I am done with overtime until January.  I think.  So hopefully I can get a better blog or two out!  Sorry I've been so absent lately!  Life just happens!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Just so you know...

....I am unpleasantly busy at work with equals lots of unwanted overtime.  Like the extra cash, hate the extra hours.  This is going to be ongoing for quite some time.  Like March.  So if I'm not around here too much, don't worry!  I'll try to post things as I get time.
The only non work stuff we did this was go out to dinner with Sonnie and Phil Wednesday night.  It was so much fun!  We ate at BW3's and got in some quality chat time.  Love you guys!  Last night Jon wasn't feeling good so we played it extra lazy and watched The Faculty in bed.  do you remember that movie?!  I loved it when I was younger.  Still a great movie, but the cheese stands out more to me.  Man I loved the 90s!  We are off to a chili dinner at David and Kate's!  Later Tator Tots!  Oh, and here is a picture of my hubby for your viewing pleasure!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Crockpot Chicken Stew

4 frozen chicken breasts
1 box chicken stock
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp season salt
2 cups frozen mixed veggies
2.5 cups kulski noodles

Put everything but the noodles in a crockpot and heat on high 6 hours.  Shred the chicken with two forks, and add noodles.  Heat another 45 minutes.  Serve with shaved parmesan and hearty rolls for dipping.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Favorite Christmas Movies

1. It's A Wonderful Life
2. National Lampoon's Christmas
3. A Charlie Brown Christmas
4. The Santa Claus
5. Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer
6. Frosty the Snowman
7. The Year Without a Santa Claus
8. Scrooged
9. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (animated mouse version)
10. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated version)
11. Elf
12. Santa Claus The Movie
13. Home Alone


I'm feeling very blah today.  I was full of creative and festive juice yesterday, but today....blah.  I hate days like this!  I'm home and could do anything I wanted, but feel like sitting on the couch vegging out in front of the tv.  But there's nothing I want to watch.  See?!  Blah.  Or maybe restless yet lazy sums it up better.  Sigh. Oh well. At least I scheduled a post for later today.  That's about all the creativity you'll get out of me today, unless I get a sudden burst of......something?  Ok I'm gonna get off here.  Later tators!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I need this!!!!!

Creamy Mushroom Chicken Noodle Soup

No pic b/c..well it just looked like yellow cream.  But I promise it's really tasty!

1 can cream of celery soup
1 can milk
3 cups chicken stock
3 tbsp chopped onion
1 can chicken, drained
3 tbsp Queso Blanco Velveeta (I'm sure regular Velveeta would work too, I just love the Queso Blanco Velveeta in soups)
1.5 cups fresh button mushrooms
1/2 cup egg noodles
Season Salt to taste (I used about 1/8 tsp)
Garlic Powder to taste (I used about 1/2 tsp)

Mix everything up in a medium soup pot.  Heat to boiling, then simmer 15 minutes.  Eat it!

Favorite Christmas Songs

This list could get very VERY long!  I'm going to pick the first 13 songs that come to mind to keep the list within reason!

1. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
2. Silent Night
3. Carol of the Bells by Destiny's Child
4. I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
5. Chestnut's Roasting on an Open Fire
6. Silver Bells by Matrina McBride
7. Oh Christmas Tree
8. Oh Holy Night - Martina McBride
9. Christmas Song - Dave Matthews Band
10. Mele Kalikimaka - Bing Crosby
11. Holly Jolly Christmas
12. Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy - Bing Crosby and David Bowie
13. Christmas All Over Again - Tom Petty