Sunday, June 17, 2012

Rain and Parties

So...I've been battling a cold all week.  It is so not fun.  Luckily, I have been feeling much better this weekend which is good b/c we had parties!  This weekend was my 30th birthday party, which did not go as planned.  I had planned an outdoor dinner party.  It was 90 degrees, thunder-storming,

and we had just been at a graduation party for this guy...

Needless to say, we had to change our plans.  So we moved the party inside and did what we could.  Note to self in the future.  Make sure to have a back up plan for outdoor parties!   I had to do away with most of my decorating ideas, so I didn't get to do a whole lot.  Here are a few details anyway.

It was a fun time even with all the changes.  I made 2 different types and sangria and they were both GONE!  Success!  While at Zach's grad party, we got to see this cutie.

She's getting so big!  For reference, here is a picture of her and her mom the day after she was born.

That smidgen of black is her.  Here she is yesterday with her mom.

She's huge!  Her name is Lexi by the way and she belongs to David and Kate.  She gets to go home with them soon!  Anywho, that was our day yesterday.

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