Sunday, June 3, 2012

Easy Like Sunday Morning...

Hello jello!  It's Sunday and that's cool with me!  Well, not really b/c it means I have to go to work tomorrow, but I'm glad it's Sunday and I get to relax!  We had a great weekend!  Yesterday we visited Mike, Michelle, and the puppies.  I can't believe how big Lexi is getting!  So cute!

We headed home for lunch and I took in an episode of Charmed while I walked on the treadmill.  I love that show!  We headed to David and Kate's for a cookout to celebrate her birthday.  We had a blast!  Josh stayed the night with Mike and Michelle, so we stayed at the party later than we normally would.  A fun time was most definitely had!  We slept in this morning then picked up Josh and treated ourselves to McD's for breakfast.  Now I'm getting in some quality coffee/blogging/youtubing/photo editing time.  I love Sunday mornings!  

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