Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today I am 30 years old.  It's a bit surreal to be honest.  You just never think you're going to be your parents age, then suddenly you are.  The older I get, the more I'm realizing that age is truly just a number.  I'm no different today than I was yesterday, unless I choose to be.  Of course that doesn't stop me from realizing that things from my childhood are now obsolete and that I'm now a ma'am to teenagers instead of a cool 20 something contemporary.  It also doesn't help that I'm the oldest in our group of friends.  Ouch!  I suppose that just means that I need to embrace my new age bracket and look forward to when my friends reach this milestone and I can share the dirty thirty moments as they will share mine with me.  I'm having a party on the 16th to celebrate my very own coming of age and I'm really looking forward to it!  I will ring in this new decade with fun!  Actually, as my Uncle Juan let me know, your third decade doesn't start until you turn 31, but I'll count 30 too.  So what have I learned from my first 3 decades?  
1.  Nothing is final.
2.  Almost anything can be fixed.
3.  Live your life to the fullest b/c it is truly very short!
4.  Time starts to move extremely fast once you pass 25.
5.  Take time to enjoy the little moments.
6.  Spend as much time as you can with those you love.
7.  Try new things and you'll find more things to love.  
8.  Embrace every moment (yes, even the bad ones) b/c each moment is unique and won't come around again.
9.  You are only as old as you feel and most of what you feel is self imposed.
10.  I look younger than my little sister b/c I got carded and she didn't.  Hehe, just had to throw that one in b/c it made my day!

So in conclusion, 30 isn't bad.  It just depends on how you spin it! :)

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