Saturday, June 2, 2012


Sadly, our vacation is winding down.  I'm not too down b/c we got a lot done!  We cleaned out the garage and deep cleaned the house.  We got a lovely visit from my family.  I had a great girl day with Amber.  I crafted quite a bit and did some baking too.  And we took a few days to do absolutely nothing.  In my book that's a pretty successful vacation.  And we still have our weekend left!
In other news, we have a new party store in the area and I am psyched!  We have needed a good party store forever and this place is awesome!  I know where I'll be going for party supplies from now on, which is good considering I have a few parties this year!  Amber and I made a stop there today and their balloon selection is huge!  We puttered around Columbus for a bit and then had lunch at Penn Station.  Nom!  I came home and made some new wall art for our bedroom.

I love it!  I've been looking for something for this wall for a while!  I rewarded myself with a nap. :)

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