Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am exhausted. I woke up more tired this morning than I was when I went to bed last night. harupm. Anywho, I got home from work and was greeted by a rt 44 diet coke add cherry. my husband knows me so well! totally made my day. my lil bro-in-law is over for the evening, and we ordered Chinese in. Yea! Through it all, I forgot to take any pictures. FAIL! Well at least I blogged about it! :)
In other news, I spent my day off (thank you presidents day) with my mom, sister, niece and nephews in Indy! It was a fun day despite the constant rain and cold temps! I love my family so much! I wish I got to see them more, but I've learned that absence really does make the heart grow fonder! I got home last night and was just bushed, so Jon and I had a quiet night in just chilling. Today was back to work and then the above described evening. Add in some laundry and you pretty much have my life! Well I'm off to hopefully get a decent sleep...er in about 2 hours.

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