Friday, February 11, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is: I'm totally a closet celebrity whore *insert ashamed face*

2. An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is: my 6th grade play t-shirt. I will never get rid of that thing!

3. My grocery store impulse buy is: usually fancy cheese. mmm...cheese.

4. Something I do at work to pass time that I wouldn't want my co-workers to know about is: make lists. Grocery, wish lists, to do lists. I just write lots of lists.

5. One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is: facebook. I'm hooked on knowing what other people are doing.

6. A little indulgence that I have is: pickles. I can literally eat a jar a day!

7. The junk drawer/area in my house is: the coffee table. it's awful! we really should work on it! *oh who am i kidding, she thinks to herself. the coffee table, entrance table, and dressers in the bedroom are ALL clutter catchers.

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