Thursday, October 31, 2013

Zits are the Pits and Happy Halloween

I am chalking this up to my crazy preggo hormones, but I have recently been getting zits in my arm pits.   I have been using the same deodorant for years, and as it's only happened in the past couple weeks, I will stick with the weird preggo symptom theory.  But for real, zits are the pits, especially when in the pits.  Those things hurt like a mother to pop! Zouch!  

Well it's Halloween!  It is a very dark and stormy night in these parts, wind, thunder and all, so very perfect for Halloween!  We aren't taking part in any festivities this year due to my being huge and uncomfortable.  We'll just have to make up for it next year!  To be honest, I was kinda hoping for a Halloween baby, but apparently our dude has other plans.  I do have another ultrasound on Monday to determine his size because I am measuring way bigger than my 37 weeks.  If he's as big as they think he is, the doctor said we will discuss my options.  Yikes.  To be honest, I don't care how he gets here as long as he's healthy, but hearing your doctor say 11 pounds will really put the fear into you.  That's right, 11 lbs.  I am actually really surprised by that because I've only gained 20!  At least I won't have much to lose...

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