Saturday, October 12, 2013

And that's that.

Where to start.  It's been a month since I updated and I can't say a whole lot has happened.  I did have my first baby shower!  I forgot to take my camera (stupid preggo brain) so I'm waiting on pictures from my mom.  It was such a wonderful time!  I got to see my family and spend time with them which was awesome!  We got a lot of good stuff for our little dude.  Huge thank you to all who came!  I'll add pictures once I get them.  Of all the times to forget my camera.  

For the past couple of weeks Jon and I have both been sick with a cold so we've been early to bed and not doing much.  We did go to a cabin with his family over the weekend of the 5th.  Jon and Josh had fun, but I spent most of the time in bed because of my cold.  It's finally starting to wind down and we're both feeling better.  I did manage to get a few pictures while we were there.

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