Thursday, August 1, 2013

Let's Talk About Sex

Sex during pregnancy.  Now that's a topic.  The books and doctors always say the same few things about sex.  No more missionary position, it can feel better than ever, and no you can't hurt the baby.  They never seem to mention how awkward it can be.  I mean, you have this massive belly to work around which is your first issue.  Changing positions takes a lot longer than it used to, not to mention you are having to get creative with those positions in the first place, since missionary is out.  Plus that belly makes a position that was great two days ago incredibly uncomfortable tonight. Then there are the breathless moments.  Not breathless with passion, but breathless because the alien inside you has taken up too much room or kicked you.  Let's face it, it doesn't take a whole lot to get a preggo out of breath anyway!  And let's not forget about the real laugh inducers like farting or having to get up to use the bathroom!  Because ladies it will happen, but relax because by the 3rd or 4th time you fart in the middle of sex, it won't even faze you or your hubs.  Believe it. You might also feel a bit self conscious about the new bod you have, I certainly did!  I just felt unattractive and weird when I had to take time out to adjust my belly in the middle of the moment.  But trust me, this is where the books get it right.  Your husband really does think you're gorgeous with the extra pounds and that big old belly!  And I don't think there is a man alive that would mind taking a moment for you to adjust/catch your breath.  They get to look at you naked and they will get what they want in the end.  Win win! 

 Sex isn't all bad while pregnant.  Your orgasms can be bigger and better than ever, which in my opinion is the least those pregnancy hormones can do for you.  With all the crazy stuff they do to you, the least they owe us is a great orgasm!  And one you won't hear talked about often is that it can be great for that lovely pregnancy constipation.  Although this can lead right back to the awkward having to use the bathroom in the middle of the moment.   I think the best approach to these awkward moments it just to be able to laugh at yourself.  My husband and I have ended up breathless with laughter instead of passion on more than one occasion.  And you know what?  It didn't even kill the mood.  I think the key was talking about  pregnant sex before the moment arrived.  Jon and I sat down once my belly was burgeoning and talked about the ups and downs that can happen and agreed to just roll with the punches.  Or the farts.  Whichever :)

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