Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What's With All the Hair and Other Tidbits?

So to follow up on my previous post on the perils of shaving whilst preggers, I just have to mention the ungodly amount of hair that comes with being pregnant.  All the books mention how your hair will become thick and luscious and maybe appear on your upper lip...or nipples.  But they seem to leave out, or maybe I just blocked out the part where they mention hair in other areas growing like crazy.  I mean, I know it's the hormones, but why is it necessary to have hair on my stomach, or between my boobs, or on my cheeks...or fingers?!  Just seems unnecessary.  And really what's a girl to do?  It's hard enough to shave my legs on a semi-regular basis, let alone to de-hair the rest of me.  Oh well, it's a small price to pay.
In other news, summer really has arrived here in Indiana.  The temps are firmly set in the 90 degree area and will probably stay there or rise even higher until fall decides to arrive.  Which means I am more than ready for fall!  I am not loving this heat!  Nor are my poor rapidly swelling feet and ankles!  Because some people are asking, thought I'd say how Josh is handling the new baby.  He's adjusting to the idea that after almost 12 years as an only child, he now has to share the glory with another person!  I don't know if he really understands what a change he's in for, but for now he's just happy that he's getting a brother instead of a sister.  He said he just didn't know what you're supposed to do with girls, lol.  Not only is he getting a little brother, but we will be welcoming a cousin/neice into our family sometime in the next month as Jon's brother and sister-in-law are expecting!  I'm excited that our little dude will have a cousin so close in age to grow up with!  So many changes coming for our family!  Lastly, we met with out maternity photographer tonight and planned/scheduled out session!  I am so excited about her ideas!  I can't wait until Oct 5th to go take them!!!

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