Thursday, August 1, 2013

In Other News

Sup?  Around these parts, not too much.  Jon and I took last weekend to register for our little dude.  We hit up Babies R Us and Target.  We had a lot of fun with it, although there were a couple of overwhelming moments.  And we did get into a little argument over car seats.  But we got free stuff out of it!  Both places give you a bag filled with stuff when you register with them.  We had lunch with my family and it was great!  It was a little crazy considering there were around 18 people, but it was so nice for all of us to get together!  Sadly, I didn't get a picture.  I was too busy gabbing with my sisters :)   Oh and Jon got to feel our little dude kick for the first time!  We were watching Terminator and I think he was inspired by the sounds of gunfire and Arnold because it was like he was having an all out brawl in my belly!

In other big news, this guy is starting middle school next week!  I have no idea how this happened.  I am so not ready for this part.  I mean, Jon is doing the big talks that come with this time, like puberty.  And he'll get to do it again in another 11-12 years.  I am not talking about puberty with a boy.  I have no penis, I have no perspective!  That's about all that's been happening around here.  The weather has been amazing, so we've just been relaxing and enjoying quite time while it lasts.

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