Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Great Shaving Experiment

Oy.  Lemme tell ya, shaving is quite an adventure while you're pregnant.  Oh sure its no problem in the first trimester.  There I was shaving my legs wondering why women make such a big deal about shaving during pregnancy.  I kinda wish I could go back in time and slap my 12 week along self.  Because once that belly starts burgeoning, shaving becomes something you put off as long as possible.  It becomes a process.  You start mentally preparing yourself a few days in advance, but only once you've reached Sasquatch status because ladies, that's what maxi dresses were made for in my opinion.  Only once that leg hair is catching on the sheets do I bother to break out that razor.  So I build myself up knowing that in a couple days, I will be exhausting myself in the name of beauty.  Then the day comes.  You sigh and step into the shower and glare that torture device known as a razor.  And then you wonder if it would really hurt too much to just go get waxed.  Then you realize that with a babe on the way you should go low cost and just shave.  Now comes the Olympic event.  You contort yourself into uncomfortable positions in an attempt to get your legs shaved.  Oh and every couple weeks, you work on your hoo ha.  But let's be honest that only happens if you owe your husband a favor because even having to bare all to your doctor won't get you to go through that torture at this point. The upside is that at the end of it all, you are totally entitled to a nice long nap.  And you will need it.  At least, I do. Let's face it.  By the time I reach my third trimester my razor will be long forgotten.  I'm going nature girl.

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