Monday, September 3, 2012

Random Thoughts

  • Happy Labor Day!
  • UTI's suck!!!  Got my first one last week and holy mother of god!  Unpleasant doesn't cover it.
  • Still in a rut.  The longest one ever.  I just can't get focused on anything.
  • Watching clueless.  I love this movie :)
  • I can't fit into a pair of my jeans!  And yes, I cried. :)  One step closer to my goal.  100 lbs to go.
  • I can't wait to be a Mom.  Don't get me wrong, I consider Josh to be my kid, but he has a mom.  I'm more like a strict but cool aunt.  I'm really looking forward to being someones mom.  
  • Jon and I have today off work.  That is awesome.
  • Topeka is adorable.  Even Jon is totally enamored with his cuteness.  Love that cat :)
  • I'm really looking forward to vacation in October.  I'm going to paint the kitchen.
  • Geek admission of the day:  I have a huge crush on Spock. 
  • The rain from hurricane Isaac finally hit yesterday.  Seems it's going to continue today.  
  • Toodles.

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