Saturday, September 8, 2012

Almost Perfect

We were going to go apple picking today, but since we are making the trip to Huber's in less than a month for pumpkins, we decided to go to Columbus instead.  The weather was perfect today.  74 degrees with big puffy clouds that floated lazily across the sky, a light breeze blowing and sunshine here and there.  We headed up 11 and hit up Granny Bees where we found 2 GameCube games we've been looking for  a long time.  Then we continued north and crossed Columbus to hit up Target.  Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte is back so...yeah.  We puttered around there for a bit and Josh spent some money he had been saving up, then we had lunch at Pen Station.  Once we got home we shut off the air and opened all the windows.  Topeka has been loving it, sniffing the air like crazy.  I talked to my mom, which made me miss my family so much it hurts.  I need to go see them.  Now I'm just crazy nervous because next weekend I am shooting my first wedding.  I am woefully unprepared/inexperienced/etc.  Jon's aunt is getting married and Thursday her photographer called her and cancelled.  She asked me to take pictures in a panic and I said yes.  I just hope I do a somewhat decent job.  I ordered a telephoto lens because I think it will come in handy.  I just hope it gets here soon enough to practice with.

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