Sunday, September 30, 2012

Phone Photos

Apple Cider Pork Roast

2 cups apple cider
1/2 cup maple syrup
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 cup water
pork roast
2 pkts brown gravy mix

Put pork in crock-pot with all but gravy mix.  Set to low and cook 9 hours.  Remove pork roast.  Add gravy mixes.  Stir frequently until thick.  Serve with mashed potatoes.

Note:  The measurements are estimates as I did not measure when making this.

Pickle Dip

You'll either love or hate this one.  And it's definitely for pickle lovers, like me.  Yum!

8 oz cream cheese
1 tsp onion powder
3/4 cup pickles, diced
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp parsley
5 oz dried beef, chopped

Basically mix it all together and eat it on crackers!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Is Here!

It's the first day of fall!  Officially!  I think it lived up to it's rep.  We had a gorgeous day with temps in the mid 60s and some sun and wind.  I won't lie, I've already been burning my fall candles, but now I feel ok being shameless in my pursuit of all things fall!  We have a busy few weeks ahead, but we have a vacation coming up to relax...a bit. :)  Anywho, I'm looking forward to pumpkins, sweaters, boots, apple cider, changing leaves, crisp air and everything that goes along with fall.  Yea fall!

David and Kate's Shower {pic heavy}

I threw a couples shower for David and Kate today.  It was the most beautiful day!  The only problem was the wind.  We had to move most things inside because things were blowing over and getting leaves in them!  Aside from that, it went really well!  I can't believe their wedding is in 2 weeks!  Here are some pics from today.  The quality isn't the best, but when you are running around like a crazy person, sometimes you just get what you get!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Remember that time I shot a wedding?

So Jon's aunt Rachel got married and I was the photographer.  Yep.  Here are some of my favorite shots.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Well today is Jon and my's second anniversary!  I can't believe it's been two years!  So happy anniversary to the man who watches Star Trek with me, then discusses the political undertones!  I love you Jon!  Here are some of our wedding photos for your viewing pleasure.