Friday, July 20, 2012

A Sarah and Josh Kind of Day

I had today off so it was just me and Josh.  Jon and I had decided to let him empty his piggy bank to buy something (he always has to put 1/2 of any money he gets into his piggy bank and 1/2 into his bank account, that way he's always saving).  This morning after Jon headed to work, Josh and I got ready and headed to...Target!  I needed a Target trip. :)  Josh got a Lord of the Rings Lego set, then we had Penn Station for lunch.  We headed home, did some obligatory cleaning (don't you always feel like you have to clean something on your day off?) then settled in for a couple movies (Jimmy Neutron and Alice in Wonderland) while Josh built his legos.  It was a good day. :)

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