Sunday, May 4, 2014

Teething Bites

Linus has now popped two, count em, TWO teeth!  He's only just 5 months and I was really hoping this wouldn't happen for a bit but my mom said all of her kids go their first tooth around 5 months.  Linus has been experiencing pretty much all the symptoms you can get.  Irritable, drooling, rash around the mouth, excessive spitting up, lack of appetite, coughing, diarrhea, fever...he's had them all.  He will chew on anythign he can get his hands on but after a minute it doesn't feel good on his gums anymore and he wants something different.  We have actually run out of toys and had to start the cycle over again at times because he has been so fussy.
I have been scouring the internet and asking everyone I know how they handled teething.  I seem to be the only lucky one who has a baby with every symptom under the moon, but what can you do?  There are a few things we've found that seem to help and some that just plain don't work.  So here's what did work for least for a little while.

  1. Cold wet wash clothe wrapped around a frozen teether.  
  2. Sophie the Giraffe
  3. Vibrating teethers
  4. Infant Tylenol - We used this as a last resort but he was in so much pain sometimes this really was all that helped especially if he also had a fever.
  5. Ora-gel
  6. Receiving Blankets - He loves to chew on these!

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