Friday, March 21, 2014

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

I know there are tons of posts on this, but I figured I would put my 2 cents in. Only took me 4 months, lol!  I way overpacked for the hospital even though I THOUGHT I was packing light.  The truth is, you don't need a whole lot.  First, what to pack for you.

1. A going home outfit.  I spent my entire stay in the hospital issue gown.  I had packed clothes to wear but what with all of the bleeding and having to breastfeed every couple hours, it was easier and honestly much comfier in the robe.  You will however need something to go home in.  Make sure it's nothing restrictive.  I wore maternity leggings and a big long sweater.  
2. Your pillow - Trust me, you'll want your own 
3. Basic toiletries - Think tooth paste, shampoo, bodywash etc.  Makeup will be the last thing on your mind, skip it.
4. Slippers.  They are nice to wear on on those cold hospital floors and also might have to wear them home if your feet swell like a lot of women do.

What to Pack for Dad
1. clothes - Make sure they are comfy. 
2. Pajamas and make sure they are warm!  Those hospital blankets are thin!
3. Toiletries - same as for you plus a razor if they want to shave.

What to Pack for Baby
1. Going home outfit
2. Carseat
3. Empty diaper bag - you will get loot from the hospital
4. Blanket - if it is cold when you are taking them home, be sure to bring a cozy blanket to keep them warm in the car!
Seriously, that's it.  The hospital has everything else you need.  

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