Saturday, March 8, 2014

9 to 5

I love that movie!  Seriously, if you haven't seen it you must!  It is hilarious!  Anywho, I am back at work now and we are starting to get into a routine around here.  I won't lie it is so hard not to be with Linus all day.  It helps that he loves going to daycare.  He loves watching all the kids!  At this point, I've only been back 3 weeks so I don't claim to be an expert.  The thing that strikes me right now is that there is never enough time.  By the time I get home I'm tired and I know that there is cooking and cleaning to be done, but all I want to do is snuggle with Linus!  In fact, this was my facebook post yestersday...

"Forgive me if my house is messier than it should be. There are proabably dishes in the sink I could be washing and laundry in the basket I could be folding. I'd rather be snuggling my son. Because in 20 years I won't regret that I let my house get a little too messy once in a while, but I will still be wanting more time with my son."

So that pretty much sums up my feelings.  I'm sure I'll get better at doing everything that needs done, but for now, I'm going to spend every last second I can with Linus.  One of my coworkers recently had a duaghter get married and she said she just doesn't feel like they got enough time with her.  I don't think we ever feel like we have enough times with our kids.  Sure they get on our nerves and sometimes we need time away from them, but looking at the bigger picture, but I don't think there ever will be enough time in a single lifetime. They just grow up way too fast.  Time moves too fast.  There isn't enough time in infinity.

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