Saturday, March 29, 2014

Momma Favorite: Makeup

I have been looking for a new foundation that is light enough for my skin tone.  It's a little hard to find a drugstore version that's light enough because I am pretty darn pale.  Also, I need something easy and fast to apply because I'd rather spend a few extra minutes with Linus than putting on makeup. So far, I've found 2 that I really love!

I decided to try the L'Oreal B.B. Cream on a whim and I'm so glad I did! I love it!  I had to get it in the lightest shade, Fair.  Most BB Creams are never light enough for me so I immediately had buyers remorse, but I was pleasantly surprised that this match's me!  I love this for on the go application. I keep it in my purse for those mornings that I don't have time to actually put makeup on.  I just apply it in the parking lot at work in my rear view mirror.  Easy peasy!

I did some looking for the lightest shade in any foundation I could find at my local CVS and the Maybelline Fit me! Shine Free Foundation Stick was the lightest I found.  I liked that it seemed easy to apply.  I got it in the shade Porcelain and it matches me at my palest which I am at now.  I love that I can just rub this all over my face and rub it in.  It really is quick to apply and pretty easy to blend in.  I do need to have a mirror to make sure it's all blended so it's an at home application, but it's so quick, which is what I was going for!

Friday, March 21, 2014

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

I know there are tons of posts on this, but I figured I would put my 2 cents in. Only took me 4 months, lol!  I way overpacked for the hospital even though I THOUGHT I was packing light.  The truth is, you don't need a whole lot.  First, what to pack for you.

1. A going home outfit.  I spent my entire stay in the hospital issue gown.  I had packed clothes to wear but what with all of the bleeding and having to breastfeed every couple hours, it was easier and honestly much comfier in the robe.  You will however need something to go home in.  Make sure it's nothing restrictive.  I wore maternity leggings and a big long sweater.  
2. Your pillow - Trust me, you'll want your own 
3. Basic toiletries - Think tooth paste, shampoo, bodywash etc.  Makeup will be the last thing on your mind, skip it.
4. Slippers.  They are nice to wear on on those cold hospital floors and also might have to wear them home if your feet swell like a lot of women do.

What to Pack for Dad
1. clothes - Make sure they are comfy. 
2. Pajamas and make sure they are warm!  Those hospital blankets are thin!
3. Toiletries - same as for you plus a razor if they want to shave.

What to Pack for Baby
1. Going home outfit
2. Carseat
3. Empty diaper bag - you will get loot from the hospital
4. Blanket - if it is cold when you are taking them home, be sure to bring a cozy blanket to keep them warm in the car!
Seriously, that's it.  The hospital has everything else you need.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

9 to 5

I love that movie!  Seriously, if you haven't seen it you must!  It is hilarious!  Anywho, I am back at work now and we are starting to get into a routine around here.  I won't lie it is so hard not to be with Linus all day.  It helps that he loves going to daycare.  He loves watching all the kids!  At this point, I've only been back 3 weeks so I don't claim to be an expert.  The thing that strikes me right now is that there is never enough time.  By the time I get home I'm tired and I know that there is cooking and cleaning to be done, but all I want to do is snuggle with Linus!  In fact, this was my facebook post yestersday...

"Forgive me if my house is messier than it should be. There are proabably dishes in the sink I could be washing and laundry in the basket I could be folding. I'd rather be snuggling my son. Because in 20 years I won't regret that I let my house get a little too messy once in a while, but I will still be wanting more time with my son."

So that pretty much sums up my feelings.  I'm sure I'll get better at doing everything that needs done, but for now, I'm going to spend every last second I can with Linus.  One of my coworkers recently had a duaghter get married and she said she just doesn't feel like they got enough time with her.  I don't think we ever feel like we have enough times with our kids.  Sure they get on our nerves and sometimes we need time away from them, but looking at the bigger picture, but I don't think there ever will be enough time in a single lifetime. They just grow up way too fast.  Time moves too fast.  There isn't enough time in infinity.

Friday, March 7, 2014

What's Up

Sorry I have been majorly MIA but we've had a lot going on.  I went back to work, we all got the stomach flu, my grandfather passed away and it was just a lot to handle all at once.  On top of that I've been extra emotional because I got my period again.  So didn't miss that.  Anywho things seem to be settling into a routine around here so hopefully I'll get more time to be on here.  Of course we spring forward this weekend (stupid daylight savings) so that may screw up Linus' schedule, but hopefully he adjusts quick.  I have a few posts I've been wanting to do so hopefully you'll see those soon. Later tators!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Momma Favorites

The first three months of baby life you learn about your favorite basic items.  These are mine.

Dr. Brown's Bottles
 - Linus really loves these bottles and they do seem to help some with spitting up!

Boon Lawn Countertop Drying Rack
 - Not only is this adorable, it's functional!  We have 2 and love them!

Aden+Anais Swaddle Blankets
 - These are really big and soft!  They were great to wrap Linus up in and also to cover up while breast feeding!

Johnson's Baby Lotion - Shea & Cocoa Butter
 - Linus has really dry skin and this stuff worked better than any other lotion to keep his skin baby soft!

Aden+Anais Burpy Bibs
 - These double as burp rags and a bib!  So soft and super absorbent!

Johnson's Baby Shampoo
 - I LOVE the way this smells and it makes his hair so soft!