Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The cat has started an annoying habit of coming in to bed very early in the morning and purring against my belly. This in turn wakes up little guy and he decides to kick like crazy and keep mommy awake. 4 mornings in a row this has happened now. They are already in cahoots! I'm doomed!

That was my facebook post this morning.  It's safe to say I'm going to need a nap today.  Anywho, I'm super glad it's a 3 day weekend!  Then again, who isn't?!  We didn't have any big plans for the weekend.  We have Josh so yesterday we went swimming at the Hardwick grandparents and ate homemade ice cream (thank you Sonnie!).  Today we made a visit to the Rhoades grandparents and put together the crib.  Tomorrow Jon and I might go see a movie.  Basically just doing whatever.  Staying in the air conditioning hoping fall will come to us soon.  I'm ready for crisp weather and pumpkin everything!  I already started burning my fall candles!  That's about all we've been doing on this lovely long weekend.  Oh yeah and I just have to mention that I am loving the following articles about pregnancy/mommyhood

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