Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sick Day

Oh what a day.  We were supposed to head to Indy for my nephews 5th birthday party, but Jon was sick all morning.  I decided to stay home just in case I had the germs.  I didn't want to spread them around.  Ugh.  Jon was sick ALL morning and then took a 4 hour nap.  That left me with my whole day open, so I decided to girl it up.  I marathoned (is that a word?) Laguna Beach and The Hills all day!  Lol, oh it takes me back.  I did get a little laundry done so I didn't waste the whole day.  Now I'm making Honey Spiced Pork Chops for dinner (well, dinner for me.  I don't know if Jon is up to it yet.) and watching Star Trek.    Anywho, just a laid back day here!  Oh and here is a picture from Josh's 5th grade Christmas program from Friday night.

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