Monday, April 30, 2012


Note: I just found this post from a while ago that I for some reason, didn't post.  So here it is!

Sunday April 22nd

I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm on a roll!  Today consisted of:

  • doing laundry (the full monty: wash, dry, fold, put away) 
  • dishes 
  • dusting 
  • making 2 meals
  • cleaning out/organizing the kitchen, living room, and laundry area
  • Sweeping the kitchen
Oy!  Doesn't look like much written down, but trust me, it was!  This afternoon, I relaxed.  I think I earned it. It was nice to have a low key weekend after the busy month we've had.  I barley remember April starting and now it's almost over!  

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