Sunday, April 15, 2012

Was that a weekend I just saw fly by?

Whew, what a weekend!  I need a weekend from my weekend!  Friday started off busy with Dan and Rachel's rehearsal dinner in Indy.  Saturday followed with my first ever pedicure (thank you Amber for introducing me to this heaven!). I'm pretty sure I'm going to be getting these as often as possible.  I can't believe I never tried one until now!  We followed that up with lunch at the Chinese buffet filled with lots of girl talk.  We dodged a few raindrops from the storm that rolled in.  I wish I could have taken a nap during the storm.  Mmmmm.  Instead, I got ready and Amber and I headed back to Indy for Dan and Rachel's wedding.

(photo pilfered from one of her Facebook friends)

Jon and Dustin were groomsmen, and I gotta say, they clean up nice!  Sunday we were back in Indy (yes, 3 times in 3 days!) for my nephew Grayson's 1st birthday party!

I think he liked his cake!
And now I'm home trying to relax in what is left of my weekend.  It flew by!

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