Wednesday, April 4, 2012


borrowed from

Obsessing over...
...Godzilla movies.  Seriously, my husband and I can't stop watching them.  I love that lizard.

Working on...
...parties!  My birthday party is in 2 months so I've gotta get crackin'!

Thinking about...
... work.  I've been working a lot of hours lately to the point where I'm actually dreaming about it.  Ugh!

... the weekend!  3 days off and I get to see my family for Easter!

Listening to...
... Michelle Featherstone, songs from the One Tree Hill soundtracks, 70s radio

... crap.  Work has been crazy, and the eating habits have definitely suffered.  I am looking forward to cooking again!

... I still had summer vacations.

And I added the picture for fun!

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