Monday, April 30, 2012


Note: I just found this post from a while ago that I for some reason, didn't post.  So here it is!

Sunday April 22nd

I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm on a roll!  Today consisted of:

  • doing laundry (the full monty: wash, dry, fold, put away) 
  • dishes 
  • dusting 
  • making 2 meals
  • cleaning out/organizing the kitchen, living room, and laundry area
  • Sweeping the kitchen
Oy!  Doesn't look like much written down, but trust me, it was!  This afternoon, I relaxed.  I think I earned it. It was nice to have a low key weekend after the busy month we've had.  I barley remember April starting and now it's almost over!  

Today sucked


1. I have another migraine
2. I had to drive through my and my neighbors lawn to get out of my drive way this morning, because a construction crew parked DIRECTLY in front of my house.
3.  work.  if it could go wrong, it did.

At least now I'm home with the hubs and the cat.  Bring on Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ballerina Birthday Party

I am loving the idea of a ballerina birthday party for little girls!  Here is my inspiration.

And if you want to add an extra touch, how about doing a "country ballerina party" by adding some burlap and cowboy boots.  Or do a "rockstar ballerina party" with some glitzy skulls and converse sneakers.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

This week

This week has been all about relaxing.  Monday night we were still recovering from our busy weekend.  Tuesday night was dinner with David and Kate.  Wednesday was dinner with Chris and Dave.  Tonight, we've just been relaxing at the house.  We didn't loaf the entire week away though.  Jon got the lawn mowed and trees trimmed, while I started spray painting some projects I have in the works.  We're looking forward to this weekend.  We have Josh, which is always awesome!  I plan on cleaning my fridge (loads of fun, huh?) and cooking/baking up a storm!  I'm just in a Betty Crocker kind of mood!  Anywho, sorry for the boring post, but honestly, nothing of note has happened this week!  Night all.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Was that a weekend I just saw fly by?

Whew, what a weekend!  I need a weekend from my weekend!  Friday started off busy with Dan and Rachel's rehearsal dinner in Indy.  Saturday followed with my first ever pedicure (thank you Amber for introducing me to this heaven!). I'm pretty sure I'm going to be getting these as often as possible.  I can't believe I never tried one until now!  We followed that up with lunch at the Chinese buffet filled with lots of girl talk.  We dodged a few raindrops from the storm that rolled in.  I wish I could have taken a nap during the storm.  Mmmmm.  Instead, I got ready and Amber and I headed back to Indy for Dan and Rachel's wedding.

(photo pilfered from one of her Facebook friends)

Jon and Dustin were groomsmen, and I gotta say, they clean up nice!  Sunday we were back in Indy (yes, 3 times in 3 days!) for my nephew Grayson's 1st birthday party!

I think he liked his cake!
And now I'm home trying to relax in what is left of my weekend.  It flew by!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2 Things

1.  If you are deeply saddened by Picnik's closing, check out  IT IS AMAZING!!!

2.  I've been crafting.  Moss+Wreath+Cute Mushroom+HotGlu= Awesome Wreath!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Flashing By... say I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend!  I sadly got no pictures b/c I forgot my camera.  Oops!  We had a great time visiting with my family!  Work has slowed by only a minuscule amount.  At least I started getting lunch again!  Life is good right now and I'm really looking forward to summer!  Well I'm bushed folks, so it's off to bed with my tired butt!  I'll try and get more posts in now that work is starting to slow.  Toodles!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


borrowed from

Obsessing over...
...Godzilla movies.  Seriously, my husband and I can't stop watching them.  I love that lizard.

Working on...
...parties!  My birthday party is in 2 months so I've gotta get crackin'!

Thinking about...
... work.  I've been working a lot of hours lately to the point where I'm actually dreaming about it.  Ugh!

... the weekend!  3 days off and I get to see my family for Easter!

Listening to...
... Michelle Featherstone, songs from the One Tree Hill soundtracks, 70s radio

... crap.  Work has been crazy, and the eating habits have definitely suffered.  I am looking forward to cooking again!

... I still had summer vacations.

And I added the picture for fun!