Thursday, February 16, 2012

How Time Flies

Seriously, I can't believe it's Thursday!  I'm not upset about it or anything, but golly time keeps going fast!    Last weekend was fun!  We picked my nephew up on Saturday and he came and spent the night with us.  He and Josh had a blast!  Jon and I were basically rendered obsolete and the boys just did whatever it is boys do.  Is it sad I still don't understand boys?  I'm married to one and have a stepson, but I still don't get them.  Hm....  Anywho, we dropped Blake off on Sunday and came home for a wee bit of family time before we had to have Josh back to his mom.  This week has been a complete blur! Tuesday was Valentine's Day and my hubs got me some beautiful flowers!

Yeah I'm a flower kind of girl.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend.  I have Monday off for President's Day which  is a big Woot Woot!!  Well folks I'm off to spend the rest of my Thursday with the hubs.

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