Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My 30th Bday Party

Is it tacky to plan ones own birthday party?  Perhaps, but I don't care!  I love to plan parties, so I'm planning my own!  Here are the details.

Theme - Modern Garden Dinner Party
Colors - Grey, yellow, white, black

 - Black picture frames filled with decorative paper = cute candle plates
 - balloons
 - carnations
 - lace
 - twinkle lights
 - glittered candles

 - fringe backdrop

David and Kate's Shower

So I'm planning David and Kate's couples shower.  I love planning parties!!  Anywho, I'm making a ton of things for this and the diy posts will come as I finish them.  The party's not until September, which gives me plenty of time to get this stuff done!

Theme - Love is Sweet

Colors - Pink, Red, Black, White

 - glittered jars with candles
 - balloons
 - glittered letters spelling LOVE IS SWEET hanging above the sweets table
 - clear vases filled with water and sequins, topped with flowers
 - black table clothes

Sweets Table
 - oreo truffles
 - chocolate dipped marshmallows
 - chocolate dipped potato chips
 - pickles (b/c he calls her pickle)
 - red velvet cake

 - backdrop of ribbon, lace, torn fabric

The Details
 - sangria
 - MadLibs
 - fans

Ham and Bean Soup

1 cup navy beans
1/2 cup chopped ham
1 box chicken stock
2 cups water
2 tsp basil
1/2 onion, chopped
pepper to taste

Put beans in a pot and cover in water.  Let sit over night.  Rinse twice.  Add stock, water, basil, pepper and onion to pot.  Bring to a boil and simmer 1 hour.  Add ham and heat 15 minutes.  Eat!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Um What?

How the heck did Friday get here?!@?!  Well this week flew by! Can't say I did much.  Definitely nothing worth blogging about, sorry.  This weekend should be fun.  We picked up Josh tonight and he and Jon are going to have some father/son time while I go hang out with Kate tomorrow for some girl/wedding time!  Then of course Jon and I are off on Monday b/c we get to keep Josh Sunday night, so I'm sure there will be shenanigans.  Maybe.  ;)  But for now I'm too tired from this week.  Posts to come.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Well I've had quite a good weekend!  Started it off right with a Friday night with our besties, Dustin and Amber.  I swear those are the times we're going to sit around the nursing home talking about.  I love nights with them!  Saturday was spent doing nothing but movies and video games with the hubs.  (Hey, everybody deserves a day completely off now and again!)  Today was spent shopping for wedding stuff with my future sis-in-law Kate and the bridal party.  I love girl time!  I've been working on their couples shower and I love it! I wish I could plan parties for a living!  Here are some of the ideas I've been loving.  Can't use them all, but they're pretty to look at!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How Time Flies

Seriously, I can't believe it's Thursday!  I'm not upset about it or anything, but golly time keeps going fast!    Last weekend was fun!  We picked my nephew up on Saturday and he came and spent the night with us.  He and Josh had a blast!  Jon and I were basically rendered obsolete and the boys just did whatever it is boys do.  Is it sad I still don't understand boys?  I'm married to one and have a stepson, but I still don't get them.  Hm....  Anywho, we dropped Blake off on Sunday and came home for a wee bit of family time before we had to have Josh back to his mom.  This week has been a complete blur! Tuesday was Valentine's Day and my hubs got me some beautiful flowers!

Yeah I'm a flower kind of girl.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend.  I have Monday off for President's Day which  is a big Woot Woot!!  Well folks I'm off to spend the rest of my Thursday with the hubs.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Naked Face Challenge

Delirious Rhapsody is doing this whole naked face challenge, so I thought I'd give it ago.

Gawd I'm gorgeous ;)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Long week

This was a very long week.  I'm extremely glad it's Friday.  This weekend should be fun.  My oldest nephew is coming to stay the night with us.  Josh is pretty excited to have another kid to play with.  For now, I'm just going to try and get some sleep to prepare for a house full of boys! Later Tators!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Grilled Hawaiian Bread French Toast

Sorry there's no picture for this one.  I forgot to take one before I gobbled it up!  So good!

4 1 inch thick slices hawaiian bread
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla

Mix up eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla.  Make sure the eggs are thoroughly whisked!  Heat your grill or indoor grill pan to medium heat and spray with cooking spray.  Dip bread into mixture quickly on both sides and place directly onto grill.  Cook until golden brown.  It's ready to go!  I'm a traditionalist with my french toast, so I just do butter and syrup, but put whatever you like on it!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mexican Goulash

1 lb ground beef
1/2 onion, chopped
1 can rotel
1 packet low sodium taco seasoning
14 oz cooked pasta
1/2 cup sour cream

Brown hamburger and onion.  Cook pasta.  Reserve 1/2 cup of the pasta water.  Add pasta, water, and all other ingredients and bring to a simmer, stirring frequently.  And it's done!