Thursday, September 30, 2010

wedding music

I have nothing to blog about, other than the fact that I can't find my wedding shoes! I have no idea what happened to them, I just know they didn't come home with us! Who loses a pair of bright red shoes? Me! Anywho, I couldn't remember if I had listed our muy importante wedding songs, so I thought I'd do that. If I already have, oh well.

processional - Canon in D for the bridal party, Bridal March by Jonathan Cain for the bride
recessional - All You Need is Love by Vitamin C Quartet
our first dance - I'd Have You Anytime by George Harrison
dance with my dad - Daughter by Loudon Wainwright III
dance with jon's mom - A Song for my Mama by BoyzIIMen
Cake cutting - Sugar Sugar by the Archies
bouquet toss - One Way or Another by Blondie
garter toss - Cantina Band - from Star Wars score
last song of the night - Good Night - The Beatles

our pre ceremony songs in the church were:
I Will - The Beatles
Embryonic Journey - Jefferson Airplane
Chapel of Love - The Dixie Cups
I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire - The Ink Spots
At Last - Etta James
Theme from 27 Dresses
Storybook Love - Mark Knopfler
Embraceable You - Ella Fitzgerald
Claire de Lune
I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos
Happy Together - The Turtles
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wedding Pic Preview!!!

OMG!!! Our photog put a preview of our wedding pics on her blog! We worked with Diane Drake Photography and they are amazing!! If you live in the Indy area, definitely give them a call they are amazing and so fun to work with! Check out our pics at

Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to Everyday Life

Hrmph. I hate going back to work. And being away from home for the week. It just plain sucks. Ok, now that I've got that out of my system, hello internet people! I got back to my sisters last night (I stay there through the week) and my kitties were so glad to see me! I spent the evening cuddling with them! I have to admit, it's been a difficult day. I just want to be at home with Jon, but I have to be here. So I went out to lunch and enjoyed the gorgeous weather! Then I went to Target after work! I picked up a couple of Halloween pillows and a new sweater!
I'm super excited about this weekend! It's Oktoberfest in Seymour, and since I've never been, Jon and I are going to go check it out. Also, we are getting Josh this weekend, so we are going to go pumpkin picking!!! Fall is finally here, and I am over the moon about it!
I wanted to share a couple things I didn't get to from the weekend. I made a shadow box to hang in our bedroom of some of our wedding stuff. Here it is.

Thing number 2. We have been tossing around ordering the complete collection of The Real Ghostbuster's cartoon. When Jon was little he was obsessed with The Ghostbuster's. Had all the toys and everything! So of course he simply had to have this collection! Also, Josh and I really like the show too. So we ordered it and it came this weekend!!

I also ordered Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel on dvd. I absolutely loved those movies as children and I just had to have them on dvd! I already watched Anne of Green Gables and I still love it! So good! Sigh.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Home Decor

I wanted to share some photos of our home! I suck at taking room pictures, and of course my camera is sucktastic, but you get the general idea! I have already posted pic's of our new bathroom decor, but here is our bathroom Halloween decor!

I've been wanting to post some pictures of our new bedding and the bedroom since we rearranged! Here are some bits of the bedroom.

Here is our new photo wall!

Recognize those frames?! They held the reserved table signs at our reception!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Great Day

Oy! Our internet has been very hit and miss lately! It's so frustrating! Anyway, I had a great day today! This morning, I decorated for Halloween. Here a a few pictures of the decorations. None of the scary stuff is up yet. That's for the party!

Then my Mom, sisters Kelly and Rachel, and niece Kaitlyn and nephews Nolan and Braydon came to visit! They drove down to see the house and we went out to lunch. We went to a little hole in the wall mexican restaurant right around the corner from the house. Everybody really liked it! They really liked the Halloween decorations! It was really nice to see everybody. It's also nice to know that even though I'll be living away from them eventually, they'll be willing to come down for lunch every once in a while. Of course, I'm willing to go up to Indy for lunch too! Of course, we don't have to worry about that for a while. After lunch, we came back to the house and chatted. Jon got home from work just before they left, so they got to say hi. Jon came home with a terrible headache. We were supposed to go to the courthouse to deal with some paperwork, but he felt terrible so I told him to lay down for a while and he can handle the courthouse on Monday. So now I'm blogging, baking cookies, and watching Golden Girls. Yea! I completely forgot to lay out something for dinner tonight, so I think I'm going to go with frozen crab cakes and mashed potatoes for a quick dinner. I don't feel like taking on a serious meal. It's Friday after all! Has anyone else whipped out their fall scented candles?!?! Yum! I'm currently burning an apple cider, a pumpkin pie, and a farmhouse apple, all Yankee. I love fall and winter scents! My house smells amazing! Of course, that could be the chocolate chip cookies that just came out of the oven, lol. Well, I'm off to live life and continue this fantastic day. Have fun all!

Edit: Wow I just realized how crappy those pictures are! I have got to get a nicer camera! Apologies for the awful pics!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

coffee buzz

Well hello there internet people!! Jon went back to work today which was sad :( I had a few hours of woe. I think I have the post wedding blues a little bit. I had read about women having the post wedding blues. I mean, you plan this huge event and you've dreamed about it since you were a little girl and now it's over. Not that I'm not completely blissful being married, but it's kind of a what do I do now moment. So I had some coffee and now I'm on a total coffee buzz! No sadness here! It helped that Jon is home and we are watching some Buffy while he relaxes for a bit. Tonight, we have to run to Walmart and get a few things.
Tomorrow, I think my mom and a couple of sisters and nieces and nephews may come down for lunch! Exciting! Plus, tomorrow I am decorating for Halloween! Woop! I've started planning our party and I'm getting super excited! Well, I'm off to run errands and spend an evening with my honey! Woohoo for newlyweds!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 3 of the Honeymoon: The Last Day

Jon and I have been having a great day! This morning we ran to the license branch to renew Jon's plates. Then we went shopping! Again!! We went to Bed Bath and Beyond and used our gift cards to get some essentials. Of course, I had to get a couple of fall themed Yankee candles, b/c those are essential to me! Then we went to Hobby Lobby. Jon and I decided to make a painting together for our bedroom and then I have had an idea I've wanted to try for a while now, so we got supplies for those projects. I'm so pumped b/c we got official Bob Ross canvases! Sweet! I seriously love me some Bob Ross. When I was little, I loved to watch his show. Still do as a matter of fact. After the shopping, we had lunch at Pen Station. Jon had never been there before. I got my old stand by, the philly cheese steak, and Jon tried the chicken teriyaki. We both got them loaded with mushrooms and onions. We really liked our sandwiches, and of course, the fries were the bomb. Then we came home and took a nap. Ah naps.
Now we are playing two games he downloaded on our new Xbox 360. The Impossible Game and I Made a Game with Zombies In It!!!!. They are addicting! I seriously suck at both of them but Jon has been rocking them out! He's awesome! Oh, and here is a picture I stole off of facebook from one of our friends. Our first wedding photos!

At the reception. (please excuse the very red face, I was already pretty tipsy here)

Our first dance!
The Kiss!
The cake shot!

Awwww! I'm such a goober! I got this from our friend Rachel who caught the bouquet! She is such a sweetie! So Dan (her gentlemen friend) if you are reading this, get on it man! That's the second one she's caught this year! Bwahahaha! Anywho, I'm off to enjoy my last honeymoon day!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Honeymoon Day 2

First off, a big thank you to David and Kate for their wedding gift!! An Xbox 360!! Jon is in seventh heaven! The plan for today was to go to Huber's Winery and take the tour. Both Jon and I are just sick of driving though, and since it is just over an hour to get there, we decided to skip the winery. We've driven a LOT in the past week and frankly, I'm sick of it. So today we decided to play it by ear and go with the flow! So today we had an early lunch at Larrison's Diner. I had the cheese steak sandwich and onion rings which were really good! Jon had the veggie beef soup and a grilled cheese and he like that. After that, we came home and vegged out. There was a nap taken. Jon got to get familiar with his new XBox 360 and I read some Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray magazines. I also did a huge amount of laundry. Actually, I'm still doing laundry. I know, I know, laundry on our honeymoon? But seriously, we had 10 loads to do! I don't know where it all came from, but it was past ridiculous! Tonight, we went to Game Stop and did a little shopping, then went to Culver's for dinner. They had a pumpkin cheesecake mixer that was AMAZING!!!! One very important thing we did today was decide on the date of our Halloween party! Oct 30th at 7pm! Woop! I did want to post a couple photos from our wedding day! Nothing fancy, just a few photos of the ladies getting our hair did.
Here is my "Ohmigosh I'm getting MARRIED TODAY!!!!!!" face!
My lovely mother getting here hair done.

Amber getting her hair done.

Rachel getting her hair done.

And Me! Also getting my hair done!

Lovely no?

Well poo.

What did I wake up to at 6:30am this morning?! Construction starting in the empty lot next to us. Joy. Not only are we in for months of early morning wake up calls, but now we're going to have neighbors. Well it was fun while it lasted.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day one of our honeymoon!

For those of you who don't know, we decided to stay home for our honeymoon and do day trips to attractions around southern Indiana. It saves us money, and we get to sleep in our own bed!
Today, we decided to visit Bluespring Caverns! It is an underground river that you tour by boat. It was really cool! It was freezing down in that cave, but it was also really beautiful! We were the only two people on the tour, so it was really romantic! You get to experience complete darkness and complete silence, which is just weird! You can have your hand right in front of your eyes, and you can't see it at all! My favorite part of the tour is when our guide focused his spotlight so that the ceiling of the cave was reflected in the water. It was so cool! The water in the cave is so clear that you can see all the way to the bottom! Jon and I really liked the tour, and I think we might take Josh there next summer.
We went home and just ate leftover's and things for lunch and Jon took a nap. Then, we went shopping! We hit Best Buy and Target and got a bunch of stuff. We get 10% off everything left on our registry, so we printed it off and we are going over it tonight to see what we want to get off of it and use the 10% off we get. After shopping, we went and had dinner at Red Lobster. We are both super stuffed! We decided that since it is our honeymoon, we were just going to go for it, so we got an appetizer, drinks, dinner, and desert! I don't think I've ever done that before! All in all, we had a great day! I'm just so happy! It sounds so corny, but I am! We're both just running on a happy high!

Our Wedding!

This may be a short post, but I just wanted to say I'm back! As a Mrs.!!!!!!!! The wedding was amazing! It went perfectly, not a hitch! Our families made everything as smooth as possible and they were truly amazing in the support they gave us this weekend!! Friday we headed out first thing in the morning and made it to Monticello by around 11am. We met Jon's family at the hotel and then we all when and met my mom and headed strait to the reception hall. We decorated until around 3pm, then went and checked into the hotel. We decided to chill for a bit so we lounged in the hot tub at the hotel for a bit. It was really nice to have that downtime. Jon and I headed over to the church to meet the pastor at 5:30pm. We had a little meeting and then everybody started getting there at 6:30pm. We had our rehearsal (we totally forgot to break out the camera for this! so sad we don't have pictures!) and ran through the ceremony a few times. We went to our rehearsal dinner and then headed back to the hotel. Amber and Dustin had a hotel room that connected to ours so we hung out with them for a bit, then to bed it was!!! Saturday (Wedding Day!) I got up around 7:30am and started getting ready for the day. At 8:40am, Amber and I headed over to my sister's house to meet my Mom and sister Rachel to go to our hair appointments. Amy and my nieces came too, which was really nice b/c Amy was taking pictures the whole time! Yea! After our hair appointments, Amber and I met the guys at the hotel, (where Jon was under strict instructions not to look at me!) and they followed us out to my parent's house. The photographers were there and they started taking pictures as the wedding party got ready. We did a lot of pictures outside on the farm, and then it rained! I mean it poured down! So we headed to the church, and lo and behold, it stopped raining just in time for us to take the rest of our pictures outside the church! It was perfect timing, so thank you mother nature! The weather really couldn't have been more perfect, it was the perfect temp, and there was a great breeze, so I never got hot enough to get red in the face! It was great! The ceremony started at 5:30pm and it was beautiful. I walked down the aisle barefoot b/c I was very done with my heels. Jon tried to put his ring on me and I think I'll always remember that part of our ceremony most clearly. That and the vows. Just looking strait into each others eyes as we promised to be together forever. Since we had taken all of our pictures before the wedding, after the ceremony, we signed our marriage license, and then it was strait to the reception! We had so much fun! We danced and drank the night away! We truly had the best day ever! Sigh. Well, I'm off to start mah honeymoon! I'll try to get some pictures from people to post on here!
Edit: I guess this wasn't short after all!
Edit 2: Oh and I didn't cry! I totally surprised myself, but I was fairly calm all day! No tears!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We're getting hitched!

Wow. I can't believe that I'm going to be married in 2 days! It's just surreal! Jon and I just keep looking at each other and smiling! Today we took care of last minute stuff, b/c we are heading out first thing tomorrow morning. We were able to get my car fixed this morning, so we are going to be taking it to the wedding. Turns out the goons at Walmart didn't put things back together right when they changed my oil, so I've been leaking oil! At least it was a cheap fix! Thank goodness! We ran to the store and stocked up on groceries and things for next week on the honeymoon. Jon and I managed to fit a nap in after going to the store and picking up my car. ;) We also paid all our bills that are due in the next couple weeks b/c we didn't want to have to worry about it on our honeymoon. We picked Josh up from school and packed our bags. All we have left to do is pack everything in the car! My favorite thing from today happened when we stopped by Jon's grandma's to pick up Josh's suit. She gave me my old and borrowed! I'm going to be wearing a necklace and ring that belonged to Jon's great grandma! I'm really excited to be able to wear an important family piece during our wedding. Jon got a little choked up when he found out I'd be wearing his great grandma's jewelry during the wedding! It was just beyond sweet of his grandma to let me borrow them! So now I have my old and borrowed, my dress is new, and my garter is blue! I'm all set!
I'm just beyond excited! I'll be out until after the wedding, but I promise to update as soon as I can with pictures! I think I'm going to try to split up the wedding into a few different posts so that there isn't just one huge one! Here are some gorgeous wedding pictures from and to ogle!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Halloween Haul

Sorry to have been away for a few days. I can't even use the wedding as an excuse. I've been sick! Only I would get sick the week of my own wedding!!! Sigh. It's some sort of cold bug I think. I've got swollen glands and I've been just exhausted! I'm feeling better today, but I suspect I should get some 5 hour energy drinks for the wedding day! On top of that, my car has been acting up something awful. It's emitting a burning smell and some wisps of smoke. There are no lights on and it's not overheating, so I have no idea what's wrong with it. Jon and I have decided to rent a car to drive up and use for the wedding, b/c I really want a car I can counjt on for my wedding day. We'll probably spend at least one day of our honeymoon getting my car fixed.
Anyway, I did manage to get some pictures of my Halloween haul items! I'm not showing all of them of course, b/c we have to keep some mystery about our party!!! I don't know what is up with this first picture, it is all sorts of funky!

I'm so excited about our party!! I can't wait!! I think I've decided to be an ice princess. I'm still working out the details, but I've been wanting to do this costume for a few years now and I think this is the party I should finally try it! Well, sorry for the short post, but I'm bushed. I'm going to get some rest b/c I really want to be awake for my wedding!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Ah Saturday. My favorite day of the week. This morning Jon, Josh and I ran errands in Columbus. We went to Target and got some stuff for Halloween (look for a Halloween haul post in the near future!) and I had a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino! That's right people it's back!!! It was really tasty too, but I learned a very important lesson. I should not drink coffee on an empty stomach. NO BUENO!!!! I was pretty sickly for a bit. After Target, we went to the mall. We hit up Kmart, Walden Books, Nirvana, and Bath and Body Works. We also took photos in a photo booth! It was a lot of fun! We really made out good in the book store! I finally got a copy of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. I'm already to chapter 4 and I'm really liking it! At Bath and Body Works, I got a Halloween hand sanitizer! It smells like pumpkin! Yum! At Nirvana, we found an awesome poster! It is an illustration of the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland by Ralph Steadman. It's a perfect fit for Jon and I b/c I love Alice in Wonderland and he loves Ralph Steadman! (Steadman did all of the illustrations in the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas). We came home and have been chilling at home this afternoon.
I can't beliebe that this time next week, I'll be married! I never thought our wedding would actually get here but it has! Oh I just can't wait! Hurrah!

Friday, September 10, 2010

the last weekend

Well this is my last weekend as a singleton!!! My last official weekend as a George! It's a little bittersweet! I mean, I've only ever been a George! I love my last name! I'm going to love my new name, but I think I'm always going to miss being a George. So how will I spend my last single weekend you ask? Getting ready for the wedding I answer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


1. The weather!!! I am so lovin' this weather! In fact, I think this weather can stay around as loooooooong as it likes! Even though I am waiting for all the bugs to die (seriously, what is with the mosquitoes!) I could even stand them if this weather wanted to stay around say, FOR_EV_ER!!!! (you must say forever in the Sandlot voice!) Oh and by the way, that rain that is supposed to show up the weekend of my wedding? Yeah, it can go away. Seriously mother nature, I don't play! NO RAIN!!!!!

2. Pumpkin Pie Poptarts!!!! I don't know if they are new or a seasonal thing that I've never seen before, but they are scrumptious!!! Seriously, if you like pumpkin, go to your nearest grocery store and get them!

3. I am beyond ready for fall! BEYOND I TELL YOU!!!! Cool weather, no bugs, boots, sweaters, no bugs, everything pumpkin, scary decorations, pumpkin picking at Huber's, no bugs, crunchy orange leaves, yummy fall candles, and did I mention no bugs?! Fall is by far my favorite season!

4. Since summer is rapidly fading, I'm going to cook all our main dishes on the grill this weekend! Get it while it lasts I say! All too soon we will be bemoaning the cold and wishing for summer again. We are such silly fickle monkeys!

5. In 10 days I'll be a Mrs.

6. I am digging watching Bewitched!!! This show is adorable! I remember watching it at my Grandma G's house while she watched my sister and I and I love it just as much now as I do now!

And here is this weeks Wee Bit of me Wednesday!

{one} what was your first pet and how did you come up with its name?
my first pet was my wonderful cat Marie. I named her after my oldest sister (used her middle name) b/c she was going to college and I was afraid of how much I was going to miss her

{two} do you like your ice crushed or cubed?

{three} do you believe in love at first sight?
I'm not sure. I think you can get a feeling about someone when you first meet them. I knew when I met Jon that he was going to be in my life forever. But I don't know about actually loving someone at first site.

{four} do you have any nicknames?
my family called me sarah-nae when I was little.

{five} what movie do you never get tired of watching?
Alice in Wonderland, the original Disney cartoon. I have loved it since I was a wee one.

{six} how do you like your eggs cooked?
over easy! I love dipping toast in the yokes.

{seven} are you named after anyone in particular?
nope, I'm just me!

{eight} what are three things that you would like to do that you haven’t done yet?
1. go to Vegas
2. have a baby
3. go to Europe

{nine} what one thing always brightens your mood?
Jon. All I have to do is talk to him and I feel better.

{ten} what five things will you always find in your purse?
cell phone, wallet, keys, burts bees chapstick, and address book

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Last Day

Well hello last day of my long weekend! I'm glad that I don't have to work, but I'm not glad that you are the last day. I'd like more time at home please! See, now I'm sad. :( On the up side, I only have to work 4 days this week, then 3 next week b/c in 12 days I'll be getting married! Woooooooop!!!!!! I'm getting so excited! Squeee!!!!! See?!??!? I just keep making high pitched happy sounds! Sigh. The other day I realized that, seeing as I only plan on doing this whole marriage thing once, I'll never have another bridal shower or bachelorette party. I'll never be 12 days away from my long anticipated wedding again. It's kind of bittersweet! It's silly I know, b/c I have an incredible amount of blessings in my life, but it did make me a little sad. But enough with the pity party!!!!
Could we have had better weather this weekend?!?!? It's been perfect. In the 70s during the day and the 50s and 60s at night! Beautiful!!! Little message to mother nature, I'd really like this kind of weather in 12 days!!! Please??!?!?!?!!
On the project front, we decided to abandon the lace covered vases. We made a few and they just didn't turn out and I didn't feel like stressing over them this late in the game. Had I started them earlier, I think they really would have been great, but I just don't want to have an added stress at this point. I may still make them for other uses when I have more time.
That means, of course, that we are officially done with our wedding stuff! Wahoo!!!
Well, I am going to go enjoy the rest of my last day of my 4 day weekend!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chicken Gravy and Biscuits

I made something new for dinner and I wanted to post the recipe on here. This recipe could be served for breakfast too, but I wanted to have it for dinner. Jon and I have taste tested and it is good!

Chicken Gravy and Biscuits
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
2 packets country gravy mix
2 1/4 cups water
2-4 chicken breasts
can of biscuits

Mix soup, gravy mix, and water in crockpot. Put in chicken (can put it in while frozen) and make sure is coated in mix. Cook on low 4-6 hours. At 5 hours, I shredded my chicken and cooked it for another hour. You can do this at the end though. Serve over biscuits!

Day 3 of 4

Ah I have so been enjoying my long weekend! Yesterday was Jon's bachelor party! He and his friends went kayaking all day, and I have it on good authority (well, Jon's) that they had a lot of fun! While the guys were out, I ran some errands and then Amber and I spent the afternoon together! It was really nice to have some girl time! She, Zoey and I went shopping! Then we went to the park so Zoey could play and finished up with some dinner from Applebee's! All in all a fantastic day!
Today, Jon and I have been getting some necessaries done and now we are going to laze about! I made something new for dinner, Chicken Gravy and Biscuits! The recipe is in the post below! I also finished my reserved table signs! I think they look pretty good!
Sorry for the crappy photo, my camera has been very hit and miss lately. Anywho, we are going to finish printing our programs and making the lace covered vases either today or tomorrow. I'm also working on jewelry frames and hooks for my scarves. Since we rearranged the bedroom, I've got some wiggle room now and I love it! I've got my own little nook and I'm going to take advantage of it! Photos to come on the "in progress" projects!! We also went through our wedding checklist!! I think we're going to laze out for the rest of the evening. Jon was so sore from kayaking yesterday, though he's feeling better now, but I still think we'll take it easy tonight. We can finish my to do list tomorrow. :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

chicken and dumpling soup

Well I didn't accomplish much today! I did finish my reserved sign frames for the wedding and Jon and I rearranged our bedroom, but other than that, not much! Hey it was a vacation day!!! I did manage to make a new recipe! Jon and I both liked this one!

Chicken Dumpling Soup
2 quarts chicken stock
2 cups frozen mixed veggies
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 onion, chopped
1 1/2 cups flour
3 tbsp shortening
3/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup milk

Fry mushrooms and onions in some butter in the bottom of a big soup pot. Once tender, add chicken stock and frozen veggies. Simmer for 30 minutes. Mix flour, salt, baking powder. Cut in shortening until lumpy. Slowly stir in milk. Increase heat on soup pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, drop in spoonfuls of the dumpling mix. Simmer for 20 minutes, 10 uncovered, then 10 covered. Eat!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

here's lookin' at you, four day weekend

Wowee!!!! I am officially off work for 4 days! Woooooop!!!! I'm so very happy! This weekend should be fun. I'm finishing up wedding stuff and making a few new recipes! Jon is having his bachelor party on Saturday during the day (they're going kayaking) so I'm going to tackle those last minute wedding tasks and maybe watch Clueless!! All in all I suppose it will be productive and fun!! Oh! I'm also going to sort through Jon's pictures! They have been sitting in a big rubber tub in the garage (I dread to think what the heat has done to them!) and I can't wait to get into them and start organizing! Sorry for the short post, but I'm gonna go start that 4 days of freedom!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Well Hello There September

I'm officially in my wedding month! Now when people ask when I'm getting hitched, I can say, this month! I'm really starting to get excited about our honeymoon. I'm suddenly picturing Jon and I lazing about in a bed (which strangely has all white bedding, even though ours is black and white) giggling and being all husband and wifey. Oh we're going to be doing stuff on our honeymoon, but I plan to spend at least one morning lazing in bed! I have also started obsessively checking the weather in the hopes that I will somehow become psychic and know what the weather will be like on our wedding day. Of course it's impossible to get a reliable forecast that far out, but I'm just hoping hurricane Earl doesn't blow in on my wedding day! It should be gone by then right? I mean, I know that hurricanes have caused us issues here in IN, but surely not 18 days later...right? RIGHT?!?!?
This weekend, I have quite a to do list!
1. finish reserved signs and frames
2. finish lace covered candle holders
3. put Jon's photos in photo albums
4. scrapbook my bachelorette party and showers
5. finish printing our programs
6. go over final paking chek list for wedding stuff
7. rearrange bedroom
8. run around like a mad woman trying to get all the stuff on the list that I don't already have

And so my September begins!