Friday, February 21, 2014

He called me cupcake

When I was little, my Grandpa George called me cupcake.  He said it was because I was so sweet.   I spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was little while my mom and dad worked, but to tell the truth, my memories of him are a little hazy early on.  What I do remember is a tall handsome man of few words.  Grandpa was never a big talker that I remember, but when he did speak up, you listened.  If I had to describe my grandpa in one word, it would be fisherman.  That may seem strange, but it really sums him up.  He enjoyed the quite and being in nature.  He could sit on a boat for hours waiting for that one fish to bite.  I'm so glad that he got to meet Linus.  I will cherish that memory forever.  I can't believe he is gone.  Although, he's not really.  He'll live on every time I tell Linus a story about his Great Grandpa George.

Grandpa and Linus

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