Friday, November 29, 2013

Linus's Birth Story

Linus finally arrived, but as I predicted it was only because he was forced out, lol!  I have to give a shout out right away to my amazing husband because not only was he by my side for all 16.5 hours of labor, he was amazing and supportive through it all AND took notes on his phone because he knew I would want to remember the times things happened.  I am so lucky to have such an amazing person to share this journey with.
I was scheduled for an induction at 6am on Monday, November 25th.  I was 40 weeks 6 days along and more than ready to meet our little Mr.  We arrived at the hospital a couple minutes early and they had us back in a labor/delivery room right away.  Once I got into a gown they hooked me up to an iv and started a pitocin drip.  I was apparently having contractions every few minutes pretty much right away but I wasn't feeling much.  Just a little uncomfortable.  Around 9:15am, the doctor came and and I was only at 4 cm, so she went ahead and broke my water.  Holy pain!  Suddenly I was feeling every last one of those contractions and how!  They were right on top of each other and getting stronger.  I didn't last long before I asked for an epidural.  I received that around 10:15am and I gotta say, it was a god send!  Jon and I were both able to get sleep off and on because I could no longer feel the pain of the contractions, just my stomach tightening.  I was checked every few hours throughout the day and reached 6 cm then 8 cm.  I reached 10 cm around 8:30 pm, but Linus wasn't down far enough for me to push yet.  Just after 9pm, he was finally in place so we did some practice pushes, then settled in for the real thing.  I only pushed for about an hour, but Linus's heart rate dropped after every push so they had me put on an oxygen mask after every push.  Finally, his head stayed down, and during my last big push, the Dr realized that he had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and his shoulder suddenly got stuck.  All of a sudden I had 2 nurses on top of me pushing him the rest of the way out!  Poor Jon was holding one of my legs and kind of got shoved out of the way in the action, lol.  Linus was placed directly on my chest and after a brief moment, let out a wail.  The nurse took him and started doing whatever it is they do to get them checked.  I delivered the placenta and then the doctor started fixing me up.  I had a second degree tear plus a labial tear.  Not to bad.  I have to say I was terrified of tearing, but all in all, the body knows what it's doing and the after care and discomfort aren't as bad as I anticipated.  That's pretty much how it all went down.  We were settled in our maternity room by 12:30am snuggling Linus.  He really is an amazing baby.  He rarely cries or fusses and is so alert when he's awake.  Even minutes after he was born, Jon commented on how calm he was.  It's hard to believe how in an instant life changes completely.

Randomness from the day:
 - I was starving, but for some reason wanted to watch the Food Network all day.
 - At some point during the delivery, Jon asked me where my sock was.  My left leg was completely numb at this point and I had no control over it, so I didn't even realize my sock wasn't on my foot.  We never did find the sock!
 - While getting cleaned up, Linus was crying until Jon said, "Hey buddy."  Seriously as soon as Jon spoke, all was well in the world and he just looked in Jon's direction while Jon talked to him, no crying at all.

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