Sunday, October 14, 2012


The wind is perfect today.  It whooshes through the leaves, sending some of them to the ground.  I could  sit and listen to it all day.  It's just a bit overcast and according to the weather channel storms could roll in, or not.  It would be a perfect day if I wasn't fighting this cold.  I still can't complain.  The temps are cooling off and fall has arrived.  I love this season for so many reasons.  Not the least of which is it signals the beginning of the holiday season.  I consider the holiday season to begin with October 1st and stretch to January 2nd.  I love this season.  There is a constant anticipation in the air.   Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years.  I love it all.  So here's to my version of the holiday season.  Thoroughly under way and as magical as you want it to be.

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