Monday, November 26, 2012

Woopsie Daisies

To start, how exactly do you spell woopsie?  Hm.  Deep thoughts here people, deep thoughts.  Anywho, long time no blog! Some updates.

  • On a sad note, I lost my Grandpa B this month.  He was 94 and had been in ill health for some time, so it wasn't unexpected.  RIP Grandpa. 
  • On a happier note, Christmas season is here!  Woop!  
  • We've got the house decorated and almost all of our shopping is done!  Double woop!  
  • We had Thanksgiving and it was fun.
  • I had my annual shopping trip with my Mom and sisters and it was great! Far too busy though.  I really don't dig all the people out shopping the weekend after thanksgiving.  Too many people + really rude too many people = No Bueno.
  • I had my first paid photography gig and that was awesome!
  • Jon is playing Morrowind.  Sigh.  Great game but he gets really into it and plays it ALL THE TIME.  At least he enjoys himself :)
  • I really want to do a boudoir session.  Any takers?
  • I am looking forward to seeing Breaking Dawn pt 2 with Amber and Kate.  Gotta plan a time
  • I am super duper psyched about The Hobbit!  We are a family who loves our Lord of the Rings!
  • I love glitter.  Just felt the need to put that out there.  Isn't Christmas just the season for glitter?
  • That's about it!  Just really loving my family(ies) and dreaming of candy canes and pine trees.  Ah Christmas.  I love thee.  

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