Happy National Cheesecake Day! Go eat a slice and watch some Golden Girls!
Ah Friday. Even though I don’t get to see Jon today, I still like you Friday. You mean I get the next 2 days free. Not to mention that tomorrow is my very own bridal shower!! I’m quite excited! A lot of this wedding stuff is just so surreal! I don’t feel like it’s really happening to me! I feel like I’m going to get up there in my white dress and be all, are you sure I’m the one getting married? It’s just so…surreal!
I’ve been thinking about what the staples are in my closet lately, focusing on the fall b/c I’m so ready for it to get here! For fall/winter my clothes staples are the following:
a pair of black boots. The have to be knee high and they have to be black. They are so versatile and they go with anything!
a pair of skinny jeans. Even bigger girls like me can pull of this look. It’s all about how you dress it. I love that my skinny jeans fit right into my boots!
a long cardigan. My favorite one has longer sleeves and hangs to just below my butt. It’s flattering with skinny jeans and keeps me warm!
leggings. I love dresses and that love doesn’t go away in the winter. Add a pair of leggings and knee high boots and you are good to go!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
my first wedding nightmare and other anecdotes
My brain has been somewhere else lately. I have totally forgotten to mention what a sweetie Jon has been! He bought me the Eclipse soundtrack, (which is amazing by the way!) and a beautiful bouquet of flowers! I came home Friday and he said that he thought I’d like some flowers to decorate for my Twilight party! Isn’t he the sweetest! Sigh. I can’t wait to marry this man!
Ok enough mush! Back to the Eclipse soundtrack, Jon got me the extended edition and I love it!! I have not been disappointed in any of the Twilight Saga soundtracks. They all have such a great mix of music! In fact, all 3 of them are in my cd player now!
Is anyone else getting excited about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?!?!?!? November 19th people!! I will so be seeing this in the theatre! There are only 2 movies that I must see in the theatre, any Twilight movie or any HP movie!! Sigh. I can’t believe HP is almost over! Just 2 more movies and then…nothing! I’m rereading the books right now and I still love them! I rmember the first time I read them. I was on vacation in MI and wanted some books to read, so when we went to the store, I bought the first 4 books and read them all in like a week! I couldn’t put them down! I actually need to get another copy of the Goblet of Fire b/c mind is falling apart.
In less geeky news (oh who am I kidding, I’m all geek!) I had my first wedding nightmare last night. It was awful! We were in the wrong church, my dress was a red 80’s prom dress style and there were no programs, bubbles, or anything! My hideous dress was too big so my mom was fixing it an hour before the wedding and suddenly, I couldn’t get my dad out of the bathroom! Then, Bruce Willis showed up and ate all the food! So disturbing! So now I’m frantic trying to remember if I’ve forgotten anything!
Ok enough mush! Back to the Eclipse soundtrack, Jon got me the extended edition and I love it!! I have not been disappointed in any of the Twilight Saga soundtracks. They all have such a great mix of music! In fact, all 3 of them are in my cd player now!
Is anyone else getting excited about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?!?!?!? November 19th people!! I will so be seeing this in the theatre! There are only 2 movies that I must see in the theatre, any Twilight movie or any HP movie!! Sigh. I can’t believe HP is almost over! Just 2 more movies and then…nothing! I’m rereading the books right now and I still love them! I rmember the first time I read them. I was on vacation in MI and wanted some books to read, so when we went to the store, I bought the first 4 books and read them all in like a week! I couldn’t put them down! I actually need to get another copy of the Goblet of Fire b/c mind is falling apart.
In less geeky news (oh who am I kidding, I’m all geek!) I had my first wedding nightmare last night. It was awful! We were in the wrong church, my dress was a red 80’s prom dress style and there were no programs, bubbles, or anything! My hideous dress was too big so my mom was fixing it an hour before the wedding and suddenly, I couldn’t get my dad out of the bathroom! Then, Bruce Willis showed up and ate all the food! So disturbing! So now I’m frantic trying to remember if I’ve forgotten anything!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
random lovelies
Ah the smell of Tuesday. I’m feeling much better today that I was Sunday or Monday. I just can’t party like I used to! Anywho, yesterday I went to Target and may have gotten myself a few things. I kept finding stuff on clearance! I got myself 2 hats, 1 ring, 2 bottles of nail polish and 2 pair of underwear! I’d post pic’s, but alas my computer is bunk so I’m not posting from it. I can’t wait to get a new computer. Oh and while at Target, I also saw that they are getting ready to switch shoes from summer to fall/winter!!!!! I can’t wait!! I am so ready for boot season!! And for fun, I’ve been dreaming of what I’d like to do to my kitchen some day. I would love to rip out all the cabinets and start over! I would add a window to the outside wall and put the sink under it. I would put cabinets on the bottom. On the top, I would have a mix of open shelving and cabinets with glass doors. Sigh. A girl can dream. Anywho, I’ve not much else to say except to go to this blog: http://www.whitewaxflower.com/
Ohmygod is it amazing! Her style is just…amazing!!! Have a lovely day
Ohmygod is it amazing! Her style is just…amazing!!! Have a lovely day
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Twilight party a success!
Morning...er...yeah it's still morning! Last night was so much fun! Amber, Kate, and I went to see Eclipse! It was awesome!!! I'm so team Edward. I can't wait for the next two movies!!! After the movie, we went to have dinner at Applebee's. Then we came back to our place and started the drinking! Amber had had a pina colada made with banana flavored rum and wanted to try them, so we made them. I had the bright idea to add part ice and part vanilla ice cream. OhMyGosh!!! They were amazing!!!! Seriously, if you ever feel the need to make pina coladas, and you should, sub some of the ice with vanilla ice cream!!! We watched 9 to 5 and just hung out talking and drinking and such. It was so much fun! Amber and Kate got to know each other better and we all had fun!!! At about 10pm, the boys came back over and all of us got even more inebriated! They made fun of our penis shaped straws, but we didn't care! Ah, good times! Well I'm off to do some recuperating! Have a good Sunday!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
simply spiffing
Today is simply spiffing! We mailed our wedding invites this morning! Squee!!! I totally got a picture! It still feels a little surreal. I have a feeling that I'm going to feel that way until the actual wedding day!
In about an hour, Amber and Kate will be here to start our partay! I can't wait to see Eclipse! Dustin and David are going to hang out with Jon so us ladies can party it up at our place. After we watch the movie, we are coming back to the house to have some good dirty partying! I cleared off my camera's memory card so I have lots of room for pictures!
I made a cream corn side dish today and it wasn't too bad if you like cream corn. Something different for every once in a while. I didn't measure anything, so the below measurements are estimates. This wouldn't be something I'd make often, but Jon and I both liked it as a change it up every once in a while side dish.
Cream Corn a la extra stuff
2 cans cream cron
1 can kernel corn
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup real bacon bits
1 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Mix all except 1/4 cup cheese. Pour into backing dish. Top with remaining cheese and add some bacon for garnish. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Voila!
In about an hour, Amber and Kate will be here to start our partay! I can't wait to see Eclipse! Dustin and David are going to hang out with Jon so us ladies can party it up at our place. After we watch the movie, we are coming back to the house to have some good dirty partying! I cleared off my camera's memory card so I have lots of room for pictures!
I made a cream corn side dish today and it wasn't too bad if you like cream corn. Something different for every once in a while. I didn't measure anything, so the below measurements are estimates. This wouldn't be something I'd make often, but Jon and I both liked it as a change it up every once in a while side dish.
Cream Corn a la extra stuff
2 cans cream cron
1 can kernel corn
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup real bacon bits
1 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Mix all except 1/4 cup cheese. Pour into backing dish. Top with remaining cheese and add some bacon for garnish. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Voila!
Friday, July 23, 2010
birthdays and bachelorettes
Heya! It's Friday!! Wahoo! Yesterday was my sister's birthday (Happy Birthday +1 day Rach!) and Rachel, Kelly, and I went to PF Chang's. It was fun to just sit and catch up.
Today, Jon and I went to dinner at the Pizza Palace with David and Kate.
Tomorrow is my mini-bachelorette Twilight themed party!! We are going to see Eclipse at 4:35pm and then going back to my place to have drinks!!! I'm so excited! The guys are going to hang out and leave us to our girlyness! Well, I think Jon and I are off to the store. Sorry this is such a short post! Have a great weekend everyone!
Today, Jon and I went to dinner at the Pizza Palace with David and Kate.
Tomorrow is my mini-bachelorette Twilight themed party!! We are going to see Eclipse at 4:35pm and then going back to my place to have drinks!!! I'm so excited! The guys are going to hang out and leave us to our girlyness! Well, I think Jon and I are off to the store. Sorry this is such a short post! Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
total randomness, but still awesomeness
Projects I need to complete…er….start
1. hang necklaces in a painted picture frame on the wall
2. put hair flowers in a pretty cup or votive candle holder for storage. Instant bouquet!
3. devise a better system for storing my scrapbook supplies
4. move our stove into the kitchen (don’t even ask!!!!)
5. Jon and I paint a canvas and hang over our bed
6. the kitchen. Man that one’s going to be a huge project. Maybe after the wedding…
7. scrapbook my bachelorette parties
Jon and I were talking about what we wanted to do on our honeymoon, and I think we are going to complete project #5. I had mentioned it to him a while back and he liked the idea. So that is something we are planning on doing on our honeymoon! Woop! I’m starting to get nervous about the weather for our wedding day. I’m starting to try to bargain with Mother Nature! Please give us 70 degrees and a nice breeze, but no rain?!?!?! More likely, it’ll be in the 90’s and humid as all get out. I guess I just need to accept that Mother Nature will do as she pleases.
Ok so totally random and so not needed right now, but baby names have been on my mind! Jon never likes any of mine, so I suppose it’s good we talk about this already. We have years to settle on something! I like Penny Elizabeth, Lucy Elizabeth, Isabella Jane, or Riley Elizabeth for a girl. Ok really, I could think of 100 girl names I like, but those are in my top right now. I really want Elizabeth for a middle name for a girl and Jon is cool with that. It’s the first name he doesn’t like. I think he’s just terrified he’ll have a daughter some day! For a boy I like Milo. I like other boy names, but that is the one I’m in love with right now. Jon really likes a specific middle name, but I’m not allowed to tell anyone what it is! It sounds good with Milo though. See, I’m using my baby fever in a constructive way that doesn’t result in an actual baby! Just think of names!!!
In wedding news, we are mailing our invites this weekend!
If you are into party planning at all, you must go to http://www.hostesswiththemostess.com/ ! Total Awesomeness!
And since I missed this yesterday, here is my wee bit of Wednesday on Thursday!
{one} if you could go on a road trip anywhere with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?
I’d take Jon and go on a roadtrip across the country. I’d want to see as much as I could!
{two} if you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
Jon, duh!.
{three} what's your earliest memory?
No one believes that this is a real memory, but I know it is. I was in a car accident with my mom and little sister when I was 2. I remember waking up and trying to wake my mom up. I don’t remember anything after that.
{four} what's the best advice you've ever received?
Very cliché, but be yourself. It really is true.
{five} if you could have an endless supply of food, what would you get?
Mushrooms!! I could eat them all the time. But if we are talking about a brand name of food…hm…
{six} would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?
I wouldn’t want to be famous, but it I had to choose, I’d say an actor. I love to sing, but I don’t know that I could perform onstage…in front of people….
{seven} if you could be a star athlete in any sport, which would you choose?
Bwahaha! Sorry, just funny picturing me as an athlete! I’d pick swimming.
{eight} if you were offered the job of u.s. president, would you take it?
Oh my. I’m going to say yes, but I doubt people would like my ideas! I’m strictly a by the people for the people kind of person. I think we should pole the people and base our decisions on what they want and need.
{nine} would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to breathe underwater?
Oh that’s a tough one! Fly I guess. At least that way I wouldn’t have to deal with driving.
{ten} what music are you listening to today?
Bob and tom during my morning drive and the Eclipse soundtrack on my way home!.
1. hang necklaces in a painted picture frame on the wall
2. put hair flowers in a pretty cup or votive candle holder for storage. Instant bouquet!
3. devise a better system for storing my scrapbook supplies
4. move our stove into the kitchen (don’t even ask!!!!)
5. Jon and I paint a canvas and hang over our bed
6. the kitchen. Man that one’s going to be a huge project. Maybe after the wedding…
7. scrapbook my bachelorette parties
Jon and I were talking about what we wanted to do on our honeymoon, and I think we are going to complete project #5. I had mentioned it to him a while back and he liked the idea. So that is something we are planning on doing on our honeymoon! Woop! I’m starting to get nervous about the weather for our wedding day. I’m starting to try to bargain with Mother Nature! Please give us 70 degrees and a nice breeze, but no rain?!?!?! More likely, it’ll be in the 90’s and humid as all get out. I guess I just need to accept that Mother Nature will do as she pleases.
Ok so totally random and so not needed right now, but baby names have been on my mind! Jon never likes any of mine, so I suppose it’s good we talk about this already. We have years to settle on something! I like Penny Elizabeth, Lucy Elizabeth, Isabella Jane, or Riley Elizabeth for a girl. Ok really, I could think of 100 girl names I like, but those are in my top right now. I really want Elizabeth for a middle name for a girl and Jon is cool with that. It’s the first name he doesn’t like. I think he’s just terrified he’ll have a daughter some day! For a boy I like Milo. I like other boy names, but that is the one I’m in love with right now. Jon really likes a specific middle name, but I’m not allowed to tell anyone what it is! It sounds good with Milo though. See, I’m using my baby fever in a constructive way that doesn’t result in an actual baby! Just think of names!!!
In wedding news, we are mailing our invites this weekend!
If you are into party planning at all, you must go to http://www.hostesswiththemostess.com/ ! Total Awesomeness!
And since I missed this yesterday, here is my wee bit of Wednesday on Thursday!
{one} if you could go on a road trip anywhere with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?
I’d take Jon and go on a roadtrip across the country. I’d want to see as much as I could!
{two} if you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
Jon, duh!.
{three} what's your earliest memory?
No one believes that this is a real memory, but I know it is. I was in a car accident with my mom and little sister when I was 2. I remember waking up and trying to wake my mom up. I don’t remember anything after that.
{four} what's the best advice you've ever received?
Very cliché, but be yourself. It really is true.
{five} if you could have an endless supply of food, what would you get?
Mushrooms!! I could eat them all the time. But if we are talking about a brand name of food…hm…
{six} would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?
I wouldn’t want to be famous, but it I had to choose, I’d say an actor. I love to sing, but I don’t know that I could perform onstage…in front of people….
{seven} if you could be a star athlete in any sport, which would you choose?
Bwahaha! Sorry, just funny picturing me as an athlete! I’d pick swimming.
{eight} if you were offered the job of u.s. president, would you take it?
Oh my. I’m going to say yes, but I doubt people would like my ideas! I’m strictly a by the people for the people kind of person. I think we should pole the people and base our decisions on what they want and need.
{nine} would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to breathe underwater?
Oh that’s a tough one! Fly I guess. At least that way I wouldn’t have to deal with driving.
{ten} what music are you listening to today?
Bob and tom during my morning drive and the Eclipse soundtrack on my way home!.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
where has this summer gone?!
I can’t believe it. Back to school stuff is out in the stores. Sigh. Where has the summer gone?! We are now under the 2 month mark from the wedding! In less than 60 days, I will be a Mrs.!!!!
The summer of 2010 I…
….ate a ton of tomatoes. I seriously eat about 5 tomatoes a week.
…planned a wedding
…learned how to shoot a gun
…went to a birds of prey show at the forestry
…watched fireworks from a swimming pool
…reread the Harry Potter series
…had a bachelorette party at a Brad Paisley concert
…went to the drive in theatre
…ate at Rockford
…went to Skyline
…bought and assembled a grill
What else I’m going to do this summer…
…have my bridal showers!!!
…have a luau for Jon’s b-day
…get married (September is kind of summer right?)
…hmm.. what else?
The summer of 2010 I…
….ate a ton of tomatoes. I seriously eat about 5 tomatoes a week.
…planned a wedding
…learned how to shoot a gun
…went to a birds of prey show at the forestry
…watched fireworks from a swimming pool
…reread the Harry Potter series
…had a bachelorette party at a Brad Paisley concert
…went to the drive in theatre
…ate at Rockford
…went to Skyline
…bought and assembled a grill
What else I’m going to do this summer…
…have my bridal showers!!!
…have a luau for Jon’s b-day
…get married (September is kind of summer right?)
…hmm.. what else?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
My Party List
Ok, here is a list of parties I want to have, but only 1 detail each b/c any more than that would kill the surprise if I decide to have these parties!
Fiesta Birthday Party
- pinata
Alice in Wonderland Birthday Party
- floor to ceiling flower decorations
Murder Mystery Party
- yea i don't have a detail for this one
- gourmet beer
Carnival Party
- funnel cakes
Soda Shop Party
- root beer floats
Animal House/Frat Toga party
- bra's haning from the ceiling fan
Black and White New Years Party
- photobooth
Pretty in Pink Prom Party
- under the sea theme
Winter Wonderland Party
- peppermint patty shots
That 70's Party
- disco ball
Mustashio Bashio
- Mario games
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
- kind of obvious, but everybody has to wear an ugly xmas sweater
Casino Party
- craps
Oscar Party
- mini oscars
Mardi Gras Party
- masks
Friday the 13th Party
- watch the movie
Well that's the list thus far, but it's growing everyday.
Fiesta Birthday Party
- pinata
Alice in Wonderland Birthday Party
- floor to ceiling flower decorations
Murder Mystery Party
- yea i don't have a detail for this one
- gourmet beer
Carnival Party
- funnel cakes
Soda Shop Party
- root beer floats
Animal House/Frat Toga party
- bra's haning from the ceiling fan
Black and White New Years Party
- photobooth
Pretty in Pink Prom Party
- under the sea theme
Winter Wonderland Party
- peppermint patty shots
That 70's Party
- disco ball
Mustashio Bashio
- Mario games
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
- kind of obvious, but everybody has to wear an ugly xmas sweater
Casino Party
- craps
Oscar Party
- mini oscars
Mardi Gras Party
- masks
Friday the 13th Party
- watch the movie
Well that's the list thus far, but it's growing everyday.
Fair cookies and pigs
Yea for today! We got up early and went up to Monticello to meet with Pastor Jim. We went over our ceremony and gave him our music. We are a go for everything as of now. We stopped by the fair while we were up there and I got to eat a fair cookie. *drool* So good! Josh came with us and we saw my niece's and nephew's pigs. I really miss pigs. They're so cute! After the fair, Josh went to swim at their house while we had our meeting. All in all it was a brief, but nice trip. We are going to have to plan an overnight trip sometime after the wedding. Tonight we are going to bake chocolate chip cookies and watch Yogi's Great Escape. Does anyone else miss good old cartoons like Yogi the Bear? Hanna-Barbera had the best cartoons! Ah the good old days. Man I sound so old!
Anywho, we are in the midst of cleaning the kitchen and getting ready to chillax! Sorry this is such a short post. I'm out living up my weekend!
Anywho, we are in the midst of cleaning the kitchen and getting ready to chillax! Sorry this is such a short post. I'm out living up my weekend!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
*peaks into blog*
I swear I’ve not forgotten about you! I’ve just been in such a funk this week! But now I’m back to my regularly scheduled programming! So for today, I found a new blog to read, http://leighashley.blogspot.com/ and she does Wee Bit of Me Wednesdays! So here is mine, albeit, a day late!
{one} do you believe in ghosts?
Oh my YES!
{two} are you more of a talker or more of a listener?
I think it depends on who I’m with, but overall, I think I tend to be a talker. But I can listen well too!
{three} would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Sleep late! Sadly, my internal clock now has me waking up by 8 weather I like it or not.
{four} if you could instantly become an expert at one type of dance, what type would you choose?
Tap! I took a tap class when I was little and I remember loving it!
{five} what's your favorite drink?
acoholic: diet coke with parrot bay. nonalcoholic: diet coke, although I’m really trying to give that up! So I’ll say iced tea!
{six} if your house caught fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
Can I assume that my family and pets are already outside the house?! I’ll say yes. In that case, I would grab my purse (which contains all my essentials like my cell phone, keys, etc), my photo albums (I can count those as one right?!?!), and my scrapbooks. Hm…come to think of it I don’t think I could carry all that…
{seven} if you could only visit one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
Hm….i’m going to go with Chili’s (generic I know) b/c they have a variety and they are in close to home!
{eight} who inspires you the most?
Nature. I love the beauty of it.
{nine} if you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?
betty white, dick van dyke, and either jennifer aniston or drew Barrymore. I can’t decide between those last two.
{ten} sneakers or sandals?
Sandals! I like my feet to be free!
Also in my world, I have spiked quite a high fever. Baby fever that is! No worries mom, I’m not even close to actually wanting one right now. Well actually I do want one right now, but luckily I’m logical enough to recognize that I don’t want one right now. Make sense?
Wedding stuff is coming right along! Jon got his suit this week. This weekend, we are ordering his chucks online b/c the local stores never seem to have any in his size. Also, we are going to print our invites this weekend and hopefully have them mailed by next weekend.
Speaking of wedding, I’ve heard of a lot of ladies getting a post wedding chop with their hair. I’ve totally been on this bandwagon, but now I’m torn between wanting to chop my hair or perm it. I know, I’ve said the dreaded p word!!! However, I’ve permed my hair before and really like it. So now I’m torn. What to do?!?!
I love planning parties! It would totally be my dream job to plan and execute parties and make scrapbooks for people! Ohmygosh I would die! Anywho, I am done with the luau b-day party I’m having for Jon’s b-day in August, except the food which I will obviously do the day of. I’m also done planning the mini-bachelorette/Twilight party I’m having next weekend. Can’t wait! I’m on to Halloween now. I know I know, I’m totally ahead of myself, but once I get on a roll I can’t stop! It hasn’t helped that I’m totally ready for fall either! Anywho, this will be our first time hosting a Halloween party and we are going to go all out! I can’t wait!!! I’ve already thought of a theme for Jon’s b-day next year! Fiesta! Oh there will be all things fiesta including a piñata and lots o margaritas! I’ve also decided that maybe I’m going to throw myself a b-day bash next year. We shall see! Oh and I want to have an ugly Xmas sweater party this year! Oh yes I do! I think I’m becoming obsessed with party planning! You should seriously see my list of parties to have! It’s getting out of control! Maybe I’ll post the list on here! Sigh.
This weekend, we are meeting with the Pastor who will officiate our ceremony. Since we are going to be up there during fair week, we’re going to have lunch at the fair and then see my niece and nephews pigs. I love the fair. Did you know I am a 10 year 4-her?!?! Well I am! I took pigs for all my 10 years!
And now i'm off...oink!
{one} do you believe in ghosts?
Oh my YES!
{two} are you more of a talker or more of a listener?
I think it depends on who I’m with, but overall, I think I tend to be a talker. But I can listen well too!
{three} would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Sleep late! Sadly, my internal clock now has me waking up by 8 weather I like it or not.
{four} if you could instantly become an expert at one type of dance, what type would you choose?
Tap! I took a tap class when I was little and I remember loving it!
{five} what's your favorite drink?
acoholic: diet coke with parrot bay. nonalcoholic: diet coke, although I’m really trying to give that up! So I’ll say iced tea!
{six} if your house caught fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
Can I assume that my family and pets are already outside the house?! I’ll say yes. In that case, I would grab my purse (which contains all my essentials like my cell phone, keys, etc), my photo albums (I can count those as one right?!?!), and my scrapbooks. Hm…come to think of it I don’t think I could carry all that…
{seven} if you could only visit one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
Hm….i’m going to go with Chili’s (generic I know) b/c they have a variety and they are in close to home!
{eight} who inspires you the most?
Nature. I love the beauty of it.
{nine} if you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?
betty white, dick van dyke, and either jennifer aniston or drew Barrymore. I can’t decide between those last two.
{ten} sneakers or sandals?
Sandals! I like my feet to be free!
Also in my world, I have spiked quite a high fever. Baby fever that is! No worries mom, I’m not even close to actually wanting one right now. Well actually I do want one right now, but luckily I’m logical enough to recognize that I don’t want one right now. Make sense?
Wedding stuff is coming right along! Jon got his suit this week. This weekend, we are ordering his chucks online b/c the local stores never seem to have any in his size. Also, we are going to print our invites this weekend and hopefully have them mailed by next weekend.
Speaking of wedding, I’ve heard of a lot of ladies getting a post wedding chop with their hair. I’ve totally been on this bandwagon, but now I’m torn between wanting to chop my hair or perm it. I know, I’ve said the dreaded p word!!! However, I’ve permed my hair before and really like it. So now I’m torn. What to do?!?!
I love planning parties! It would totally be my dream job to plan and execute parties and make scrapbooks for people! Ohmygosh I would die! Anywho, I am done with the luau b-day party I’m having for Jon’s b-day in August, except the food which I will obviously do the day of. I’m also done planning the mini-bachelorette/Twilight party I’m having next weekend. Can’t wait! I’m on to Halloween now. I know I know, I’m totally ahead of myself, but once I get on a roll I can’t stop! It hasn’t helped that I’m totally ready for fall either! Anywho, this will be our first time hosting a Halloween party and we are going to go all out! I can’t wait!!! I’ve already thought of a theme for Jon’s b-day next year! Fiesta! Oh there will be all things fiesta including a piñata and lots o margaritas! I’ve also decided that maybe I’m going to throw myself a b-day bash next year. We shall see! Oh and I want to have an ugly Xmas sweater party this year! Oh yes I do! I think I’m becoming obsessed with party planning! You should seriously see my list of parties to have! It’s getting out of control! Maybe I’ll post the list on here! Sigh.
This weekend, we are meeting with the Pastor who will officiate our ceremony. Since we are going to be up there during fair week, we’re going to have lunch at the fair and then see my niece and nephews pigs. I love the fair. Did you know I am a 10 year 4-her?!?! Well I am! I took pigs for all my 10 years!
And now i'm off...oink!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Mom's Chop Suey Casserole
My mom made this casserole when I was little. I made it today and I love it every bit as much as I liked it when I was little. Oh yeah, Jon liked it too!
1 lb hamburger
salt and pepper to taste
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 cans water
1 can sliced water chestnuts (we left thsi out b/c jon doesn't like them, and it was still good)
2 cups chopped celery
2 cups chopped onion
1/2 cup uncooked rice (not minute)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 can rice noodles
Brown hamburger. Combine all except noodles and mix well. Bake in a 9x13 pan at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Spread noodles on top and bake another 15 minutes or until thick.
1 lb hamburger
salt and pepper to taste
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 cans water
1 can sliced water chestnuts (we left thsi out b/c jon doesn't like them, and it was still good)
2 cups chopped celery
2 cups chopped onion
1/2 cup uncooked rice (not minute)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 can rice noodles
Brown hamburger. Combine all except noodles and mix well. Bake in a 9x13 pan at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Spread noodles on top and bake another 15 minutes or until thick.
Makeup Reviews
Revlon PhotoReady liquid foundations
I like this foundation. I don't normally go for liquid formulas, but this one doesn't feel heavy on my face. It isn't heavy coverage, just a light coverage that covers up uneveness nicely. It also gives a nice dewey affect. However, it didn't stay put when sweat was involved. I think this would be a nice winter foundation, but not for summer when you'll be hot and sweaty at times.
Maybelline Dream Mousse Concealer
I loved this product!! It covered my dark circles quite well and it stayed on all day! Take note!!! You need VERY LITTLE of this product to cover imperfections!! This is a definite bonus for me! A dab'll do ya! I also love the Dream Mousse Foundation, so it should come as no surprise how much I like this concealer.
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Double Face Perfector
This concealer/highlight combo was only ok to me. The concealer covered pretty well, but the highlighter didn't do much for me. Also, I had to blend a LOT and I still felt like it looked wet on my skin, and not in a highlighted sort of way. I don't always use a translucent power after applying my makeup, so I like something that can stand alone. This needed some powder to finish it off. This isn't a bad product, it just didn't work for my needs.
I still want to try a highlighter around my eyes. I've heard good things about Benefit's Eye Bright, so maybe I'll try that. I think i'm going to have to accept that no foundation on earth is going to cover my hot red face on my wedding day. I'm just going to have to stay as cool as I can!
I like this foundation. I don't normally go for liquid formulas, but this one doesn't feel heavy on my face. It isn't heavy coverage, just a light coverage that covers up uneveness nicely. It also gives a nice dewey affect. However, it didn't stay put when sweat was involved. I think this would be a nice winter foundation, but not for summer when you'll be hot and sweaty at times.
Maybelline Dream Mousse Concealer
I loved this product!! It covered my dark circles quite well and it stayed on all day! Take note!!! You need VERY LITTLE of this product to cover imperfections!! This is a definite bonus for me! A dab'll do ya! I also love the Dream Mousse Foundation, so it should come as no surprise how much I like this concealer.
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Double Face Perfector
This concealer/highlight combo was only ok to me. The concealer covered pretty well, but the highlighter didn't do much for me. Also, I had to blend a LOT and I still felt like it looked wet on my skin, and not in a highlighted sort of way. I don't always use a translucent power after applying my makeup, so I like something that can stand alone. This needed some powder to finish it off. This isn't a bad product, it just didn't work for my needs.
I still want to try a highlighter around my eyes. I've heard good things about Benefit's Eye Bright, so maybe I'll try that. I think i'm going to have to accept that no foundation on earth is going to cover my hot red face on my wedding day. I'm just going to have to stay as cool as I can!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ritz Chicken Bake
2 rolls Ritz crackers, crushed
1 & 3/4 sticks butter, melted
5 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
fresh mushrooms, chopped, to taste
onions, chopped, to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix Ritz and butter. Pat 1/2 of mixture into a 9x13 inch pan. Mix all other ingredients and spread over cracker mix in pan. Top with remaining cracker mix. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Jon and I really liked this, but beware! It is really filling! A little goes a long way!
1 & 3/4 sticks butter, melted
5 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
fresh mushrooms, chopped, to taste
onions, chopped, to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix Ritz and butter. Pat 1/2 of mixture into a 9x13 inch pan. Mix all other ingredients and spread over cracker mix in pan. Top with remaining cracker mix. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Jon and I really liked this, but beware! It is really filling! A little goes a long way!
Guns and a Wedding Check
Today I shot a .22 pistol, a .357 Magnum pistol, two .45 automatics, and a 12 gauge shotgun! Me!!! I'm a pacifist and I really don't like guns, but Jon really wants to have one in the house for protection and if there's going to be one in the house, I'm going to know how to shoot it! Phil took Jon and I over to Rachel and Troy's and we did some target shooting. I did pretty good for my first time out, or so I'm told! I have to admit, I liked it! The Magnum was my favorite!
After being out in the sweltering heat, we headed over to Sonnie and Phil's and swam for a bit and had lunch. Then we came home and took a 2 hour nap!!!! The heat and swimming must have really made us tired!
Big wedding 1/2 check!! We finished designing our invitations and figured out how to print them! I am starting to address the envelopes and we are going to print our invites once we get new ink cartridges!! So excited!! We also designed our reserved signs for the family tables. I can't believe the wedding is so close! This week, I'm going to get beer cups, silverware, and napkins. After that, all we really need is a few more things for the centerpieces and the the guys need to get their suits.
We were supposed to meet with Pastor Jim to write our ceremony today, but he had been called out of town at the last minute, so we are meeting with him next week instead. We will write our ceremony and he will approve the music we will be using at the church. Our wedding party will be walking in to Vitamin String Quartet's version of All You Need is Love. I'm entering to Jonathan Cain's version of the Bridal March. We are exiting to Happy Together by The Turtles. Our pre ceremony music that will play in the church while people wait includes the following:
I Will - The Beatles
Chapel of Love - The Dixie Cups
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire - The Ink Spots
Embryonic Journey - Jefferson Airplane
The Book of Love - Peter Gabriel
Theme the 27 Dresses - Randy Edelman
At Last - Etta James
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole
Embraceable You - Ella Fitsgerald
Storybook Love - Mark Knopfler
Claire De Lune - Lumiere String Quartet
I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos
Canon in D - Raymond Leppard
After being out in the sweltering heat, we headed over to Sonnie and Phil's and swam for a bit and had lunch. Then we came home and took a 2 hour nap!!!! The heat and swimming must have really made us tired!
Big wedding 1/2 check!! We finished designing our invitations and figured out how to print them! I am starting to address the envelopes and we are going to print our invites once we get new ink cartridges!! So excited!! We also designed our reserved signs for the family tables. I can't believe the wedding is so close! This week, I'm going to get beer cups, silverware, and napkins. After that, all we really need is a few more things for the centerpieces and the the guys need to get their suits.
We were supposed to meet with Pastor Jim to write our ceremony today, but he had been called out of town at the last minute, so we are meeting with him next week instead. We will write our ceremony and he will approve the music we will be using at the church. Our wedding party will be walking in to Vitamin String Quartet's version of All You Need is Love. I'm entering to Jonathan Cain's version of the Bridal March. We are exiting to Happy Together by The Turtles. Our pre ceremony music that will play in the church while people wait includes the following:
I Will - The Beatles
Chapel of Love - The Dixie Cups
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire - The Ink Spots
Embryonic Journey - Jefferson Airplane
The Book of Love - Peter Gabriel
Theme the 27 Dresses - Randy Edelman
At Last - Etta James
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole
Embraceable You - Ella Fitsgerald
Storybook Love - Mark Knopfler
Claire De Lune - Lumiere String Quartet
I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos
Canon in D - Raymond Leppard
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Ah wedding makeup. The current bane of my existence. Here is my problemo. I get red, like really red when I get hot or emotional. Since my wedding is in September, I figure I’m going to be both. Now I’m ok with a pink glow, but I turn cherry tomato red! I do not want this for my wedding pictures!!!! So as I’ve said on here before, I ‘ve been trying different makeup products to see if I can dull the bright lobster red to a demure pink glow. Why am I saying all of this again? Because I got some more products to try! Keep an eye out for reviews this weekend!
So in my last post I said how I was excited about fall and oh man, I came across this recipe for pumpkin cookies that sounds divine! So I was thinking, is there really a reason to wait until fall to make pumpkin cookies?!?!
In totally off the wall talk, I realized that I have not been my usual picture nazi self this summer! I usually have my camera with me and am constantly taking pictures, but for some reason, this summer I haven’t been! I need to get on it! I have all this cute summer scrapbooking stuff just waiting to be used, and I don’t have any pictures to scrap! I’m going to choose to blame the stress of planning a wedding. Yup, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
And now, I have a confession to make. I love a good football game! Yes I admit it, I’m a closet football fan. Now, I’m not going to watch every game and what not, but I do enjoy a good game when I have a team to root on. I was a cheerleader in Jr high and part of high school (total shocker huh?) and I just remember the feeling of being at a game. Bad concessions stand food, the fans in the stand, the cold weather. Sigh. It was pretty fun. I haven’t been to a live game since high school and I admit I kind of miss it. So, there it is.
I had a dream last night about getting a tattoo for my wedding and I love the idea! As previously mentioned, I have had a tattoo picked out for a couple years. I had decided to put it on my lower back next to my current tattoo. I wanted to get the heart for my wedding and another of the same heart for the birth of my children. I wanted to put the dates of their births in their somewhere but didn’t want it to look tacky. In my dream I got the heart and had the date written inside it in white ink. Very subtle. I love the idea! I think I may go for it. By the time I have a kid, it’ll have been a couple years and I’ll know if I really want it! As for the wedding tattoo, I think I’m going to get the heart by itself, no date. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long, so I’m going to stick with it.
And so …”All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream.” – Edgar Allan Poe
So in my last post I said how I was excited about fall and oh man, I came across this recipe for pumpkin cookies that sounds divine! So I was thinking, is there really a reason to wait until fall to make pumpkin cookies?!?!
In totally off the wall talk, I realized that I have not been my usual picture nazi self this summer! I usually have my camera with me and am constantly taking pictures, but for some reason, this summer I haven’t been! I need to get on it! I have all this cute summer scrapbooking stuff just waiting to be used, and I don’t have any pictures to scrap! I’m going to choose to blame the stress of planning a wedding. Yup, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
And now, I have a confession to make. I love a good football game! Yes I admit it, I’m a closet football fan. Now, I’m not going to watch every game and what not, but I do enjoy a good game when I have a team to root on. I was a cheerleader in Jr high and part of high school (total shocker huh?) and I just remember the feeling of being at a game. Bad concessions stand food, the fans in the stand, the cold weather. Sigh. It was pretty fun. I haven’t been to a live game since high school and I admit I kind of miss it. So, there it is.
I had a dream last night about getting a tattoo for my wedding and I love the idea! As previously mentioned, I have had a tattoo picked out for a couple years. I had decided to put it on my lower back next to my current tattoo. I wanted to get the heart for my wedding and another of the same heart for the birth of my children. I wanted to put the dates of their births in their somewhere but didn’t want it to look tacky. In my dream I got the heart and had the date written inside it in white ink. Very subtle. I love the idea! I think I may go for it. By the time I have a kid, it’ll have been a couple years and I’ll know if I really want it! As for the wedding tattoo, I think I’m going to get the heart by itself, no date. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long, so I’m going to stick with it.
And so …”All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream.” – Edgar Allan Poe
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
how many beer cups?
I miss fall. I know I know I should enjoy summer while I’m in it b/c all too soon I will be wishing for it to be here again! And I am enjoying my summer! But with the blistering heat we’re getting this summer, most definitely miss fall. I can’t wait for Halloween and crisp cool weather. Orange and red leaves and back to school shopping (ok so I don’t back to school shop, but I do shop for fall fashions!). Apple picking and cider. Visits to Huber’s to pick pumpkins and get apple wine. Jumping in a big pile of leaves. Thanksgiving and the smell of chimney smoke. Sigh. I could go on forever. Oh how I love fall.
But back to summer! I hope everyone is having a tolerable day back to work after the holiday. Sunday night, David and Kate came over to hang out and have dinner. Very low key and laid back. I love nights like that. Yesterday, we stayed inside all day and did nothing. Well I did laundry…and cooked. Actually we tried the fried pizza recipe I posted about. It was ok. Not something we would have bery often. Jon rated it a 6 out of 10. I think we are too traditional with our pizza, hehe. Speaking of recipes, I also made the fajita soup I posted a recipe of. I like it, but I think next time I will use real chicken and fry in Mexican seasonings ahead of time. The meatballs just didn’t go with the soup. Jon loved it though! Of course, he loves any of my soups! J
I’ve been watching My So-Called Life on itunes and….I totally love that show. Why did they cancel it after only one season, WHY?!?!?! Cruel tv networks. I also got Buffy season 2 on dvd, so my week will probably be spent watching that. I’m really getting into my older favorites. I plan on watching through all of Friends next.
In wedding news, we are getting down to the nitty gritty! 2 ½ months! Blargh! How did that happen?!?! Luckily, I think we have almost everything we’ll need. We still need to get utensils, beer cups, etc but those aren’t very fun. That’s probably why I’ve been putting off getting them. Does anyone know how many beer cups one should have for a wedding with approximately 125 guests? Anyone?
So I was thinking about centerpieces and how ridicualous it is to spend so much money on them. I haven’t been able to decide on anything cheap and have just been frustrated. Then I figured out why. They are matchy matchy! Well, the ones I’ve been thinking of would be the same on every table. Jon and I are not matchy matchy people, so why should our centerpieces be? So I decided to mix it up. Some will have mirrors, some will have scrapbook paper, etc. I’m actually pretty excited about this idea!
And what is awesome about today? It’s Tuesday and not Monday. That is awesome.
But back to summer! I hope everyone is having a tolerable day back to work after the holiday. Sunday night, David and Kate came over to hang out and have dinner. Very low key and laid back. I love nights like that. Yesterday, we stayed inside all day and did nothing. Well I did laundry…and cooked. Actually we tried the fried pizza recipe I posted about. It was ok. Not something we would have bery often. Jon rated it a 6 out of 10. I think we are too traditional with our pizza, hehe. Speaking of recipes, I also made the fajita soup I posted a recipe of. I like it, but I think next time I will use real chicken and fry in Mexican seasonings ahead of time. The meatballs just didn’t go with the soup. Jon loved it though! Of course, he loves any of my soups! J
I’ve been watching My So-Called Life on itunes and….I totally love that show. Why did they cancel it after only one season, WHY?!?!?! Cruel tv networks. I also got Buffy season 2 on dvd, so my week will probably be spent watching that. I’m really getting into my older favorites. I plan on watching through all of Friends next.
In wedding news, we are getting down to the nitty gritty! 2 ½ months! Blargh! How did that happen?!?! Luckily, I think we have almost everything we’ll need. We still need to get utensils, beer cups, etc but those aren’t very fun. That’s probably why I’ve been putting off getting them. Does anyone know how many beer cups one should have for a wedding with approximately 125 guests? Anyone?
So I was thinking about centerpieces and how ridicualous it is to spend so much money on them. I haven’t been able to decide on anything cheap and have just been frustrated. Then I figured out why. They are matchy matchy! Well, the ones I’ve been thinking of would be the same on every table. Jon and I are not matchy matchy people, so why should our centerpieces be? So I decided to mix it up. Some will have mirrors, some will have scrapbook paper, etc. I’m actually pretty excited about this idea!
And what is awesome about today? It’s Tuesday and not Monday. That is awesome.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!! I hope you have wonderful plans of cooking out and fireworks. First on the agenda, a huge Happy Birthday to my mother in law to be Sonnie!
Happy Birthday Sonnie!!!!!!
Oh what a weekend it has been so far! Friday night was Zoey's birthday party. She had such a good time! She got a new play kitchen and she had a ball playing with it! She looked so cute with her pigtails!!
Last night, we had our 4th of July celebration. We went out to Dustin and Amber's for a cook out. Dan and Rachel came too! We swam in the pool and then watched fireworks while still in the pool! It's really the only way to watch fireworks! D&A's neighbor made his own fireworks this year and they were awesome! It was like watching a town's fireworks! It was quite a show! It was so funny, during the fireworks, Josh turns to Jon and says "Man, those are so big, it's like America won the war!" We both cracked up laughing. We told him we did win the war! That's how we got our independence as a country and that is why we celebrate the 4th of July! It was funny but at the same time, shouldn't an 8 year old know that already if he's being taught correctly at school? I don't remember when I learned what the fourth of July was, but I feel like by the age of 8, I had already learned that it was about our independence as a country. I asked Josh why we celebrated the 4th of July, and he could only come up with the fact that we do it so we can watch fireworks, b/c we won the war. He didn't know what war, and he didn't realize that winning the war meant we were free. Maybe I'm expecting too much from the education of an 8 year old. I still have serious doubts about our public school systems, but maybe we learn that in Jr. High and not grade school. I certainly hope so.
Today, we are going to just chill at home. Josh goes back to his mom's today, so we are taking it easy. I think tonight, we may be able to see Seymour's fireworks from our house. If we can, we'll probably sit outside and watch them.
I'm so pumped that i don't have to go to work tomorrow!!!! I love having an extra day at home!
So far, everybody is coming to Jon's birthday party! I'm really having a lot of fun planning it! A luau is such a fun theme. You can do so much with the food and decorations. I'm thinking of doing a "signature" drink for that night. Something tropical to go with the theme.
I'm also having fun planning my Twilight mini bachelorette party! Yea! I almost have everything for it, so I should be good to go when it gets here!
Next Saturday, we are making the trip up to Monticello to meet with the pastor who will be officiating our ceremony. We already picked the vows we want and our music for the ceremony. We will be going over the ceremony stuff in depth when we meet and he will have to approve our music. I'm ready to have everything set so that will be a big huge monster of a CHECK! Oh and speaking of checks, I am so frustrated about our invites! Both of our computers have crapped out and we don't know how we are going to print them! We really need to get them printed so we can send them out! I know we need to get a new computer that actually works but I was hoping to wait until after the wedding to spend that much money. I don't think we have a choice anymore. Grrrr. Stupid technology. Well, I'm going to go spend the rest of this holiday with the family! Have a good one!
Happy Birthday Sonnie!!!!!!
Oh what a weekend it has been so far! Friday night was Zoey's birthday party. She had such a good time! She got a new play kitchen and she had a ball playing with it! She looked so cute with her pigtails!!
Last night, we had our 4th of July celebration. We went out to Dustin and Amber's for a cook out. Dan and Rachel came too! We swam in the pool and then watched fireworks while still in the pool! It's really the only way to watch fireworks! D&A's neighbor made his own fireworks this year and they were awesome! It was like watching a town's fireworks! It was quite a show! It was so funny, during the fireworks, Josh turns to Jon and says "Man, those are so big, it's like America won the war!" We both cracked up laughing. We told him we did win the war! That's how we got our independence as a country and that is why we celebrate the 4th of July! It was funny but at the same time, shouldn't an 8 year old know that already if he's being taught correctly at school? I don't remember when I learned what the fourth of July was, but I feel like by the age of 8, I had already learned that it was about our independence as a country. I asked Josh why we celebrated the 4th of July, and he could only come up with the fact that we do it so we can watch fireworks, b/c we won the war. He didn't know what war, and he didn't realize that winning the war meant we were free. Maybe I'm expecting too much from the education of an 8 year old. I still have serious doubts about our public school systems, but maybe we learn that in Jr. High and not grade school. I certainly hope so.
Today, we are going to just chill at home. Josh goes back to his mom's today, so we are taking it easy. I think tonight, we may be able to see Seymour's fireworks from our house. If we can, we'll probably sit outside and watch them.
I'm so pumped that i don't have to go to work tomorrow!!!! I love having an extra day at home!
So far, everybody is coming to Jon's birthday party! I'm really having a lot of fun planning it! A luau is such a fun theme. You can do so much with the food and decorations. I'm thinking of doing a "signature" drink for that night. Something tropical to go with the theme.
I'm also having fun planning my Twilight mini bachelorette party! Yea! I almost have everything for it, so I should be good to go when it gets here!
Next Saturday, we are making the trip up to Monticello to meet with the pastor who will be officiating our ceremony. We already picked the vows we want and our music for the ceremony. We will be going over the ceremony stuff in depth when we meet and he will have to approve our music. I'm ready to have everything set so that will be a big huge monster of a CHECK! Oh and speaking of checks, I am so frustrated about our invites! Both of our computers have crapped out and we don't know how we are going to print them! We really need to get them printed so we can send them out! I know we need to get a new computer that actually works but I was hoping to wait until after the wedding to spend that much money. I don't think we have a choice anymore. Grrrr. Stupid technology. Well, I'm going to go spend the rest of this holiday with the family! Have a good one!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
recaps and recipes
Hello all! First off, I must start with a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to miss Zoey!!! She is 2 today! So Happy Birthday Zoey!
I had such a lovely time last night! High school Rachel and I went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. I had coke and mushroom ravioli (twilight anyone?!?!). It’s always so much fun to get together and catch up with her!
Speaking of Twilight, I hope everybody who went to the midnight showing of Eclipse had fun!!!!! How was it??? I can’t wait to see it!!!!
After dinner last night, I went to Hobby Lobby and got some stuff for the wedding. I got the stands for the reserved signs, more clear stones and votive candles for the table décor, some scrapbook stuff for scrapping my bachelorette parties, and bubbles for the wedding. I need to get a basket to hold all the bubbles. Must add to list!
I also found out last night that my first shower is on July 31st! you may be asking yourselves, why I would have a first shower?! Well, b/c my family lives in the north part of the state and Jon’s family lives in the south part of the state, my pepe’s decided to have 2 parties. My sisters are throwing one in the north and my MOH is having one in the south. We’re a divided people. Mehehe.
I found a great new site for recipes! Its’ http://recipechick.blogspot.com/ and I can’t wait to try some of the freezer recipes out! We are planning on getting a chest freezer and I’m looking forward to using it! I’m looking forward to cooking for a weekend and having food for a month. I’m not sure how often I’ll do that, since I enjoy cooking, but it’s a nice option.
Speaking of cooking, I’m including a couple of recipes that I made up recently. I’ve been trying to make stuff from scratch and I’ve come up with a few things. I haven’t made these yet, so no pictures, no measurements, and try at your own risk!
Fajita soup
Chicken stock
Green pepper
Ground chicken
Bread crumbs
Taco seasoning
Tortilla chips
Shredded Mexican cheese
Sauté green pepper and onion in pan. Add stock and taco seasoning. Mix chick and breadcrumbs and put meatballs into soup. Boil/simmer until meatballs are done. Serve over crushed tortilla chips and cheese.
Fried pizza
Pizza dough
fresh mozzarella
Fresh basil
Pizza sauce or alfredo sauce
Roll pizza dough into individual size. Fry in a pan of ½ in heated oil. First one side, then the other until golden brown. Once done, top with sauce, cheese, tomato, and basil. Eat!
I had such a lovely time last night! High school Rachel and I went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. I had coke and mushroom ravioli (twilight anyone?!?!). It’s always so much fun to get together and catch up with her!
Speaking of Twilight, I hope everybody who went to the midnight showing of Eclipse had fun!!!!! How was it??? I can’t wait to see it!!!!
After dinner last night, I went to Hobby Lobby and got some stuff for the wedding. I got the stands for the reserved signs, more clear stones and votive candles for the table décor, some scrapbook stuff for scrapping my bachelorette parties, and bubbles for the wedding. I need to get a basket to hold all the bubbles. Must add to list!
I also found out last night that my first shower is on July 31st! you may be asking yourselves, why I would have a first shower?! Well, b/c my family lives in the north part of the state and Jon’s family lives in the south part of the state, my pepe’s decided to have 2 parties. My sisters are throwing one in the north and my MOH is having one in the south. We’re a divided people. Mehehe.
I found a great new site for recipes! Its’ http://recipechick.blogspot.com/ and I can’t wait to try some of the freezer recipes out! We are planning on getting a chest freezer and I’m looking forward to using it! I’m looking forward to cooking for a weekend and having food for a month. I’m not sure how often I’ll do that, since I enjoy cooking, but it’s a nice option.
Speaking of cooking, I’m including a couple of recipes that I made up recently. I’ve been trying to make stuff from scratch and I’ve come up with a few things. I haven’t made these yet, so no pictures, no measurements, and try at your own risk!
Fajita soup
Chicken stock
Green pepper
Ground chicken
Bread crumbs
Taco seasoning
Tortilla chips
Shredded Mexican cheese
Sauté green pepper and onion in pan. Add stock and taco seasoning. Mix chick and breadcrumbs and put meatballs into soup. Boil/simmer until meatballs are done. Serve over crushed tortilla chips and cheese.
Fried pizza
Pizza dough
fresh mozzarella
Fresh basil
Pizza sauce or alfredo sauce
Roll pizza dough into individual size. Fry in a pan of ½ in heated oil. First one side, then the other until golden brown. Once done, top with sauce, cheese, tomato, and basil. Eat!
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