Thursday, January 30, 2014

Linus' Second Month

Linus was 2 months old on January 25th.  I can't believe how fast he is changing!  This month he found his hands and he loves sucking on them.  He also became much more vocal.  He coos and "talks" to you and he also...cries.  My calm laid back baby is a little less laid back these days.  I still can't complain because he doesn't cry too much, but when he's hungry or wet, watch out!  I can't believe he's already 2 months old!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Love Drunk

It is impossible to describe how much I love my little guy.  I didn't know it was possible to love someone that much.  People always say you'll understand when you have one and it used to make me so mad.  Now I understand.  You really can't fathom what it feels like until you experience it.  I could spend every moment of every day just staring at Linus.  Nothing makes my day like seeing him smile at me and when he coos, forget about it!  Yes, I am totally love drunk on my son, and I like it!  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Josh!

Our eldest, Josh, is twelve today!  I can't believe how old he's getting!  I mean, look at this kid!

We had a weekend long celebration.  It started with seeing The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on Friday, which was awesome!  Then Sunday Grandpa and Grandma Hardwick took us bowling!   None of us are very good bowling, but we always have fun!

Today we had cake and Josh got to stay home from school.  Of course that was because of the ice/snow/incredibly cold temperatures, but one could argue that even Mother Nature wanted Josh to be able to laze about on his special day!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Now that the holiday season is over, I can finally start getting caught up on things!  We have started to dig ourselves out from under all of the holiday trash and I'm able to start to get things organized.  First up is Linus' nursery.  He made out like a bandit at the holidays and now his nursery is a disaster zone!  Speaking of Linus, he has been loving his bath's since we started doing them in the big bath tub.

After Christmas, Mom and Kelly came down to see Linus.  We had a great time!  I don't get to see my family as often as I like, so I love it anytime I get to see them!  We went to Walmart and hung out at the house.  Just low key girl Linus, lol.

For New Years Eve, we stayed low key.  Since I'm breastfeeding, I didn't want to get into too many shenanigans. We had David and Kate over and ordered pizza.  We watched the ball drop, then pretty much headed to bed!  Hey, I take my sleep where I can get it nowadays! 

Linus at One Month

This post is a little late as Linus was a month old on Christmas, but then again, that is why it's late!  The pictures were taken on the right day though!  I can't believe how fast he is growing!  I love all the new firsts and watching him experience new things, but I already think he's growing up too fast, lol.

Four Christmas'

It got a little crazy around here during the holidays!  We have a lot of family to see, but I don't mind.  I love that we have so many people to celebrate Christmas with.  The weekend before Christmas, we went up to see my family. I was so glad that Linus got to meet my Grandpa George!  He turned 90 in December and it was so special to see them together!

                                             Linus meeting Great Grandpa George

We got to see Jon's various families and celebrate with them too!  We spent Christmas Eve with the Rhoades side,

Christmas day we had our own family Christmas morning, followed by Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Hardwick.  Did I mention I love our families? :)