Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Still Surreal

Linus is pretty much perfect.  No joke, he really is the best baby.  He never cries.  He has the periods where he stares straight into your eyes and you can tell he is taking everything in.  I still have a hard time sometimes believing that this amazing little boy is mine.  It still is just surreal that this little person belongs to me.  I find myself staring at him all day and never wanting to put him down.  Even with the sleep deprived brain power I'm rocking these days, I avoid sleep just to watch him.  I am loving being a mom.  I have to admit that I worried about connecting with Linus once he got here, which while a valid concern of a mom-to-be, was unfounded.  Once he got I had the instant connection you here about.  Well I did once I got some sleep, lol.  Hey it was a long labor ok?!  Anyway, L is 3 weeks old and I'm already telling him to slow down with the growing up.  I can't believe how fast time has been going since he got here.  I feel like tomorrow I'll wake up and he'll be graduating high school!  Last night he had his first non-sponge bath!  He hated getting sponge bath's, but he really seemed to like getting a regular kind!

How cute is he!??!

DIY Newborn Photos

I took some time and captured some newborn photos of Linus.  He's such a cute patoot!