Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kate's Bachelorette Party

This weekend was Kate's bachelorette party!  So fun!  I won't share too much, but here are some pictures of them getting tattooed.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Weekend in Reverse

Decided I would be super crazy and reverse my timeline for this post.  So I'm starting with today, then going backward through yesterday.  I know.  I'm nuts.  :)  Today, we went to Columbus so I could stop at Bath & Body Works and pick up some fall scents.  Leaves is my all time favorite candle for fall and winter.  So good!

Yesterday was Jon's birthday.  Happy Birthday babe!  We had dinner at BW3s with Dustin and Amber and then sat around a fire because it is so amazingly awesome outside this weekend!!

For lunch yesterday, we went out with Chris, David, Mike, Michelle, David, Kate, and Zach at Cracker Barrell.  

And yesterday morning, I surprised Jon with balloons for his birthday!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I'm dreaming of pumpkins and apple cider, crisp air and haunted houses, sweaters and boots, scarecrows and costumes, and all fallish things.  It really can't get here fast enough.

Saturday, August 4, 2012